Becoming Who you May Become
Being Who you Are!
by Dionne Hogen of the Netherlands
On the cutting surface of Being and Becoming you find Awakening.
A beautiful and intense process of cleaning up, letting go and growth. An intense process of the growing of Love and Oneness and living to see and experience what it really means to become a cosmic human being.
Becoming who you are allowed to become seems a process from A to B, but nothing is less true. Because just when you think you are at point B, you'll experience the truth of A once more.
But then maybe from a different dimension?
It is a reflexive process that the lemniscate shows us, whereby we ourselves stand in the centre of the figure eight. We are the true center of the process and by Being in this centre we develop ourselves in our capacity to Be on the earth and in the cosmos at the same time.
It is a deep Still Point from were all starts.
Every moment anew.
The power of Being.
By being in the power point over and over again, we experience the powers that are available to us, from the Earth and from the Cosmos. They are energetic powers who help us to stand firmly with two feet on the ground to experience what true Love is.
In the next section I want to help you come to the center of Being.
To come to your resting point.
It is an essential starting point to begin to create in the new dimension on earth. It is the basis you form to Be from in your cosmic and earth connection and to give form to your task on earth. It is the intention from your Self to guide you to who you Are and who you may become.
By asking yourself the right "Quintessence Questions" , 'All that is in between' will reveal itself.
Every question is connected with the basis of each of the 13 energy centers. In the right connection with cosmos and earth a direct transformation and transmutation takes place.
Have confidence and Be!
Working with the 13 Quintessence Questions of Being
Pure connection
For every situation in which you work with the earth and cosmos you'll be asked to be in a pure connection. A pure connection with the center of the earth, a direct connection with the Source and a direct connection with your Heart.
To do so, you visualize your 13 energy centers and you build a golden ray connection from your heart to the Central Sun, The Source and to the center of the Earth.
Then you let this golden ray connection flow from the center of the Earth through your base and from the Sun through your crown back to your Heart.
Then you connect from your Solar Plexus to nature, the water and All that is, only there where it is meant to Be.
Focus your attention on your Heart and surrender to the connection.
Feel all that is in and around you. See the ray connection in yourself and the center of the eight, the lemniscate in which you Are the center.
Speak out within yourself that you want to connect to All that is, only there where it is meant to be.
You are now in a powerful multidimensional earth/cosmic connection as it is meant at this moment.
The Quintessence Questions
Every quintessence question that you ask yourself will touch and move something inside yourself. I invite you to stay close to your Heart and to Feel, Hear or See from your Heart.
From your Hearth you will receive the message that tells you what you may do to lay claim to Transformation, Transmutation or Creation.
First, read the questions and their meaning attentively. It will increase the power of intention of the quintessence question.
Then begin to ask yourself the questions and work through them slowly step by step. Don't force anything and stop as soon as you feel you should stop. You're working on the basis of Your Being and it's allowed to do that step by step.
Getting to work
Ask yourself the quintessence question and close up with the integration text
Make sure you are in a pure connection and focus your attention on your Heart. Ask yourself the first quintessence question and then become still for a moment. Feel inside your body where this question brings movement or causes a feeling.
Put your hand on there.
Then go with your attention from your Heart to this part in You. Ask for transformation and again be still for a while.
Work ar choose the symbols, colours, etc. that you're familiar with.
Then pronounce the integration text that belongs to the first quintessence question and feel again where this causes any motion or feeling. Of choice, repeat the process of transformation. You may ask your light beings to help.
Always end with pronouncing the integration text. It is the text that you are allowed to carry with you for some time until you work along with the next question. Give yourself time and a rest to come into a new balance.
Working together
Working with these questions may be many times more powerful by doing it together with two or three people.
Make sure that everybody is in a pure connection and that you are only connected with each other where it is meant to be.
This way you shape the conditions for a pure energy field and you give the earth and the cosmos the chance to help you heal the parts you meet.
The working-out
You are literally working on the basis of your Being.
This can cause some strong reactions. Your body and spirit are going to purify themselves through your deep touch.
Be aware of this and take yourself seriously here.
The Quintessence questions of Being
1. "Who am I as an earthly-cosmic human being?"
I am Silence.
On the 1st level of the 1st energy center we find the base, the pillars that reach into the deepest essence of Being. It is the earthly Being , influenced by the Sun, Earth, Sky and Light.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is:
"Who am I as an earth-cosmic human being?"
It is the level of the "naked" human of Being.
2. "Do I choose to Be?"
I choose to Be.
On the 2nd level we find the essential first choice to Be. It is the choice in essence to Be.
It is the intention to design your Being on earth from the basis. Diverging rays/energies of masculine and feminine powers influence this level into its deepest essential design resolution. It is a powerful level to work out through problems like courage and power of achievement, but also soft power of achievement, sexuality from a higher level of consciousness.
At this level we find the unravelling of the old and new masculine and feminine patterns and here is where the old pain pieces of former lives are filed.
At this level one can directly claim Transformation and Transmutation by connecting the circular moon with the blazing golden sun, which will promptly reveal itself as a golden transparent ball. Radiant as day and night together.
The quintessence question is:
"Do I choose to Be?"
3. "Am I in unconditional Being?"
"I am unconditional Being.
At this level of being we find the essential considerations which let themselves be heard, felt and seen as soon as we touch the basis of being a cosmic human being. During the "who am I and who may I become" questions come to you like: "Which basic elements may I use as the foundation of Being?"
"Which essentials of life appeal to me and ensure that I can live by the heart?"
It is the level on which the 1st contours of the structures of Being are becoming visible and the essence structure of cosmic Being and the Father-Mother-Child connection is being made, formed and restored. It is this level on which the essence of the earthly vital power in direct connection with the cosmos is being connected in the body. It is a direct entrance and exit of chi, on an earthly-cosmic level.
The quintessence question is: "Am I in unconditional Being?"
Problems on this level will become visible in the working-out of this within relations between several people/groups/ organisations.
Working on this level requires that you create the right connections inwards and outwards and to break up or disconnect where this is meant to be.
4. "Do I really want to Be?"
I am real.
This level is a transition level. It is an embedding and steering level what is necessary to be able to come to action from direct intention.
In the essential-elements of this level, basic structures and actions are stored, with which you can Be in the direct creation from the heart.
These are essential-elements within the human being, but also within groups. Within these essential-elements are the conditions to be able to Be in a connection in the basis on an earthly-cosmic level.
It guarantees grounding and becoming.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is: "Do I really want to Be, do I really want to Be Earth Cosmic Human Being?"
Problems on this level reveal themselves as defence, escapist behaviour, dejectedness, depressiveness because the Sight on the perspective is disturbed. This can be solved by discussing the perspective and to describe it into detail and reading it over and over again.
Working with symbols/colours and visualisations is very healing.
5. "Do I love my Being? "
I Love my Being.
This level is the true cherishing of Being, truly feeling the Love for your own basis. The true love for yourself is imbedded in this part of the 1st energy center. It is this part that you can only feel scarcely and which is screaming for attention, screaming to be touched and screaming to be truly acknowledged. Also in the deepest basis of Being we find the Love as we know it in our Heart. By now putting all our attention on this level in the 1st energy center, the Love from the Heart can be in connection with the basis of our Being, as a pillar, as an acknowledgement of Being with Love.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is: "Do I love myself?"
"Do I love my Being? " "I love myself because I Am?"
The problems we meet at this sublevel will show themselves as a subconscious rejection of Being. Saying you do, but as a gramophone a counter voice comes up softly from the lower being, from the deepest level of sub consciousness which directly calls the opposite. This way you can feel depression when you feel love. You say to yourself: I should actually feel good, but I feel kind of depressed.
"I Love myself" ( 'I don't love myself at all') It is a interweave experience of Being which, through the subconscious sounds inside yourself, produces the exact opposite. You can turn this around by making the turn visible inside yourself. Visualize the part of you that is dissociating itself over and over again from loving yourself. A deep fear is underlying and wants to be touched with true love. Allow this part to show itself and let us hear what it needs. Now give all your attention to this part and really turn it around, let it turn itself around in the image and anchor it with the symbol of a transparent violet or any other symbol that announces itself spontaneously.
The fifth level of the first energy centre is a basic level from where further steps truly can be taken. It is the level that guarantees Unconditional Love as a basis, however powerful the counter streams may be. So therefore, connect strongly with this part and reassure it whenever there are hiatuses in the flow.
6. "Am I whole?"
I Am whole.
The sixth level of Being of the first Energy centre is a circulation level that lets itself be fed by the heart-throat centre.
It is the level that guarantees the necessary connections and cleaning up on the first level. It is the level that starts the transparency of Being and guards the true grounding in the purest form. It is the level that lets the true grounding to cosmic creation and the other way around be what it may become. It is the basis of Being cosmic human.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is: "Am I whole?"
When the sixth level of Being is disturbed, we find a consequent movement and vibration in the stability. With other words, there is a consequent misbalance in the basis to be felt. This let itself be felt as a feeling of shakiness, rash and itching and other complains on the lower parts of your body.
The body takes on a consequent form of purification and consequently let you hear and feel that there is something going on.
By getting in contact with this part of the 1st energy centre it is possible to open up the 6th level and to clean out the old traces.
Do this by looking at this part and by Seeing what the intention is; what is necessary to give this part space and to let it flow.
What is restraining or holding back?
7. "Am I Being?"
I Am Being
On this level we find expression on the level of Being.
Expression of the basis sections. It is the level that announces itself as a deep emotion of Being, a deep feeling of really Being. Like you Are doing the Being. It is a first form of expression of Being as a cosmic human being and it is a true creator. It is the one asking and the one taking, it is the one who does and the one who sits still at the same time. In this part of the basis the quintessence question "Am I Being?" being asked.
In other words: Am I in the present and Am I doing in the PRESENT?
The 7th level of the first energy center is a crucial connection to come to the true fundamentals of creating and grounding. It is the level on which the foundation of creating and essential expression is being built. By looking at the connections and the flow, one can see where the eventual blockages lie.
Problems on this level are aligned with coming out and making contact to others on an essential level, from the basis. It shows us our fears regarding to making contact with others. It makes us feel and see our communicative basis.
Lack of this part in relation to others will break down the communication on the deepest level. Because here it is all about a sublevel it may seem as if it is all fine, and only later it will makes visible that there is something wrong, there is still 'some sand in between the wheels'.
8. "May I Be who I Am?"
I may Be who I Am.
The 8th level of the 1st energy center represents in its essence the spirit of enterprise in life, the life of Being. The ultimate Being-principle that will show itself through an internal motive of progression. You can say a connection to the perpetual motion, the cosmic spiralling of life which always continues to move from the essence, the remembrance of life as it allowed to Be. In connection with this part of the 1st energy centre you'll meet whatever resists to truly standing for your own Self, your own Being. It is this part of the 1st energy center that truly generates power and produces a progression in the grounding of Being, being cosmic human. In the problematic nature belonging to this part you will meet all of your old masculine and old feminine motives of being allowed to be. These are the motives that belong to the need for recognition, being material, being through the material. It is this part that thinks that it 'might be too late', what keeps on hitting the breaks whenever a feeling of progression through cosmic movement is showing itself in visibility and feeling and when it shines through in your daily life.
Letting go of these old masculine and feminine convictions can be effected by being in an active connection with this part of and to invite it to make known what it needs to Be, like the other parts, in a position of Love and rest. The position of Being in the Present.
This makes it possible, in the basis, to live on a higher level of consciousness as well and to lift the basis to a higher step on the 'life ladder'.
The quintessence question belonging to this part and level is:
"May I be for who I Am?"
9. "Am I equal to Christ?"
I Am equal to Christ
On this level we find the basic trust in life. The basic trust in the movement of life, in Being. This part represents the Christ trust in the Mother and the Father, the divine child part from the ancient. In this part we find the building stones for exploration from the soul, exploration from the soul through being who you are in trust with the Christ in you. In this part you'll get the answer to the question, if you trust yourself in the being-equal-to-Christ.
It is the Christ equality that wants to sow the grounding and trusting through this part, in order to reap when the time is right.
It is this part of the first energy center that creates and maintains the connections from the mother to the father, the cosmos and the central sun. Through this part the sun shines into the earth and the mother sun shines into the father, the cosmos. Open this part by connecting, at the same time, both the sun and the moon with your heart and by letting the flow of love flow to this part.
In this part a large uncertainty is imbedded. It is a basic uncertainty of being worthy, being worthy to be equal to Christ. Only love can open and heal this part. So, connect yourself regularly with the heart flow where through real Love heals.
10. "May I See who I Am?"
I may see who I Am.
The 10th level of the first energy center lets itself be Seen, literally.
It is an all-embracing part in the basis and is seen and felt from the heart. It is the basis of ancient power in connection with the heart through the Knowing, the Feeling, the Hearing and the Seeing. It is the basis of Being. In this part you find the real original human-being-state as it was meant in the essence of life. It is the part that initiates and that generates motive power from the Heart to an idea, a Knowing, an image. Disruption of this part let itself be seen in bizarre dreams whereby you may release old images, old memories from the basis of life or from former lives.
In this part the ancient mystic secrets are filed, that you may use at all times in life, initiated by the higher Self.
In connection with these basic ingredients it becomes possible to work things out from the ancient basis of Being. A trusted soul wisdom that has always 'Been' there, the ancient memory from the Source.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is:
"May I See who I Am?"
11. "May I Be who I Am?"
I May Be who I Am.
In this part of the 1st energy center, the divine/Christ connection in the ancient earth is stored. It is the Source connection that basically lets itself be felt as a umbilical cord or navel-string to the source. It is a spiritual navel-string that has being laid by leaving the Source, and it receives a flow of energy in order to be able to receive and to give cosmic life power in the basis of Being. It is in that sense a cord, a navel-string because the nourishment from the earth and the cosmos is been given through this level and only then can we partake of the energy, when the connections are intact. Make the connections by opening the level with a golden heart ray. Then bring the mother force energy out of the earth and the father force energy out of the cosmos to this level, this sub-energy centre, and let it Be right there.
Problems in this basis part of Being, in the circulation of the spiritual navel-string, let themselves be Seen and Felt by feeling inconvenienced on earth because one rather is in a cosmic connection only. In other words, being ungrounded.
It is this part that carries self-destruction in it; it is the part that chooses death in order not to live.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is:
"May I Be who I Am?"
12. "Am I who I Am?"
I Am who I Am.
By recognising and acknowledging this part it becomes possible to place spiritual human being and cosmic human being in the whole of the cosmos and earth at the same time. It is the basis part of placing Oneself in Being. How do I relate to earth and cosmos, Father and Mother. It is the cutting surface of experiencing and being able to place the spiritual and the personality, and through that truly integrating earthly and cosmic Being in the Being One with All That Is.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is:
"Am I who I Am?"
Problems that will show up are related to giving a basic place to being cosmic human. Who am I to…………..
13 . "Am I?"
I Am.
On the 13th level of the first energy center we find the divine portal and the grounding at the same time. It is the cyclical connection portal with an upstairs and downstairs, with cosmos and earth from the basis of being human. It is this part that directly connects itself again with the 1st sublevel. It is the Being with God. It is the God in Being. In connection with All That Is, you'll experience the connection with the earth and the cosmos in One.
In this part of Being an earthly fulfilment is being enjoyed and a divine level of consciousness can truly ground itself and be lived. The essence of this part is creating up to the highest level, creation force in its most earthly form.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is:
"Am I?"
The flowing of this subpart guarantees a pureness of being. Clearing up disturbances can only be done when one works with a pure connection with the cosmos and earth and by using the right symbols/energy.
"I AM"
*Working with this text is designed for the self-actualization of the individual on the path of awakening, Being human. The consequences of working with this text are the responsibility of the reader him/her self.
See a doctor when you experience a physical/mental imbalances.
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Not that many years ago I would have read this, chuckled and wondered if anyone really buys into this stuff.
ReplyDeleteSince beginning my meditation practice and a little Qigong, I have experienced the connection one can have with the earth and myself when I let go of the old stereotypes.
Quintessence theory is similar to other mindfulness practices I have seen but very detailed in its structure and effect. I would expect with a little concentration, the results could be astonishing.