Becoming Who you May Become
Being Who you Are!
by Dionne Hogen of the Netherlands
On the cutting surface of Being and Becoming you find Awakening.
A beautiful and intense process of cleaning up, letting go and growth. An intense process of the growing of Love and Oneness and living to see and experience what it really means to become a cosmic human being.
Becoming who you are allowed to become seems a process from A to B, but nothing is less true. Because just when you think you are at point B, you'll experience the truth of A once more.
But then maybe from a different dimension?
It is a reflexive process that the lemniscate shows us, whereby we ourselves stand in the centre of the figure eight. We are the true center of the process and by Being in this centre we develop ourselves in our capacity to Be on the earth and in the cosmos at the same time.
It is a deep Still Point from were all starts.
Every moment anew.
The power of Being.
By being in the power point over and over again, we experience the powers that are available to us, from the Earth and from the Cosmos. They are energetic powers who help us to stand firmly with two feet on the ground to experience what true Love is.
In the next section I want to help you come to the center of Being.
To come to your resting point.
It is an essential starting point to begin to create in the new dimension on earth. It is the basis you form to Be from in your cosmic and earth connection and to give form to your task on earth. It is the intention from your Self to guide you to who you Are and who you may become.
By asking yourself the right "Quintessence Questions" , 'All that is in between' will reveal itself.
Every question is connected with the basis of each of the 13 energy centers. In the right connection with cosmos and earth a direct transformation and transmutation takes place.
Have confidence and Be!
Working with the 13 Quintessence Questions of Being
Pure connection
For every situation in which you work with the earth and cosmos you'll be asked to be in a pure connection. A pure connection with the center of the earth, a direct connection with the Source and a direct connection with your Heart.
To do so, you visualize your 13 energy centers and you build a golden ray connection from your heart to the Central Sun, The Source and to the center of the Earth.
Then you let this golden ray connection flow from the center of the Earth through your base and from the Sun through your crown back to your Heart.
Then you connect from your Solar Plexus to nature, the water and All that is, only there where it is meant to Be.
Focus your attention on your Heart and surrender to the connection.
Feel all that is in and around you. See the ray connection in yourself and the center of the eight, the lemniscate in which you Are the center.
Speak out within yourself that you want to connect to All that is, only there where it is meant to be.
You are now in a powerful multidimensional earth/cosmic connection as it is meant at this moment.
The Quintessence Questions
Every quintessence question that you ask yourself will touch and move something inside yourself. I invite you to stay close to your Heart and to Feel, Hear or See from your Heart.
From your Hearth you will receive the message that tells you what you may do to lay claim to Transformation, Transmutation or Creation.
First, read the questions and their meaning attentively. It will increase the power of intention of the quintessence question.
Then begin to ask yourself the questions and work through them slowly step by step. Don't force anything and stop as soon as you feel you should stop. You're working on the basis of Your Being and it's allowed to do that step by step.
Getting to work
Ask yourself the quintessence question and close up with the integration text
Make sure you are in a pure connection and focus your attention on your Heart. Ask yourself the first quintessence question and then become still for a moment. Feel inside your body where this question brings movement or causes a feeling.
Put your hand on there.
Then go with your attention from your Heart to this part in You. Ask for transformation and again be still for a while.
Work ar choose the symbols, colours, etc. that you're familiar with.
Then pronounce the integration text that belongs to the first quintessence question and feel again where this causes any motion or feeling. Of choice, repeat the process of transformation. You may ask your light beings to help.
Always end with pronouncing the integration text. It is the text that you are allowed to carry with you for some time until you work along with the next question. Give yourself time and a rest to come into a new balance.
Working together
Working with these questions may be many times more powerful by doing it together with two or three people.
Make sure that everybody is in a pure connection and that you are only connected with each other where it is meant to be.
This way you shape the conditions for a pure energy field and you give the earth and the cosmos the chance to help you heal the parts you meet.
The working-out
You are literally working on the basis of your Being.
This can cause some strong reactions. Your body and spirit are going to purify themselves through your deep touch.
Be aware of this and take yourself seriously here.
The Quintessence questions of Being
1. "Who am I as an earthly-cosmic human being?"
I am Silence.
On the 1st level of the 1st energy center we find the base, the pillars that reach into the deepest essence of Being. It is the earthly Being , influenced by the Sun, Earth, Sky and Light.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is:
"Who am I as an earth-cosmic human being?"
It is the level of the "naked" human of Being.
2. "Do I choose to Be?"
I choose to Be.
On the 2nd level we find the essential first choice to Be. It is the choice in essence to Be.
It is the intention to design your Being on earth from the basis. Diverging rays/energies of masculine and feminine powers influence this level into its deepest essential design resolution. It is a powerful level to work out through problems like courage and power of achievement, but also soft power of achievement, sexuality from a higher level of consciousness.
At this level we find the unravelling of the old and new masculine and feminine patterns and here is where the old pain pieces of former lives are filed.
At this level one can directly claim Transformation and Transmutation by connecting the circular moon with the blazing golden sun, which will promptly reveal itself as a golden transparent ball. Radiant as day and night together.
The quintessence question is:
"Do I choose to Be?"
3. "Am I in unconditional Being?"
"I am unconditional Being.
At this level of being we find the essential considerations which let themselves be heard, felt and seen as soon as we touch the basis of being a cosmic human being. During the "who am I and who may I become" questions come to you like: "Which basic elements may I use as the foundation of Being?"
"Which essentials of life appeal to me and ensure that I can live by the heart?"
It is the level on which the 1st contours of the structures of Being are becoming visible and the essence structure of cosmic Being and the Father-Mother-Child connection is being made, formed and restored. It is this level on which the essence of the earthly vital power in direct connection with the cosmos is being connected in the body. It is a direct entrance and exit of chi, on an earthly-cosmic level.
The quintessence question is: "Am I in unconditional Being?"
Problems on this level will become visible in the working-out of this within relations between several people/groups/ organisations.
Working on this level requires that you create the right connections inwards and outwards and to break up or disconnect where this is meant to be.
4. "Do I really want to Be?"
I am real.
This level is a transition level. It is an embedding and steering level what is necessary to be able to come to action from direct intention.
In the essential-elements of this level, basic structures and actions are stored, with which you can Be in the direct creation from the heart.
These are essential-elements within the human being, but also within groups. Within these essential-elements are the conditions to be able to Be in a connection in the basis on an earthly-cosmic level.
It guarantees grounding and becoming.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is: "Do I really want to Be, do I really want to Be Earth Cosmic Human Being?"
Problems on this level reveal themselves as defence, escapist behaviour, dejectedness, depressiveness because the Sight on the perspective is disturbed. This can be solved by discussing the perspective and to describe it into detail and reading it over and over again.
Working with symbols/colours and visualisations is very healing.
5. "Do I love my Being? "
I Love my Being.
This level is the true cherishing of Being, truly feeling the Love for your own basis. The true love for yourself is imbedded in this part of the 1st energy center. It is this part that you can only feel scarcely and which is screaming for attention, screaming to be touched and screaming to be truly acknowledged. Also in the deepest basis of Being we find the Love as we know it in our Heart. By now putting all our attention on this level in the 1st energy center, the Love from the Heart can be in connection with the basis of our Being, as a pillar, as an acknowledgement of Being with Love.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is: "Do I love myself?"
"Do I love my Being? " "I love myself because I Am?"
The problems we meet at this sublevel will show themselves as a subconscious rejection of Being. Saying you do, but as a gramophone a counter voice comes up softly from the lower being, from the deepest level of sub consciousness which directly calls the opposite. This way you can feel depression when you feel love. You say to yourself: I should actually feel good, but I feel kind of depressed.
"I Love myself" ( 'I don't love myself at all') It is a interweave experience of Being which, through the subconscious sounds inside yourself, produces the exact opposite. You can turn this around by making the turn visible inside yourself. Visualize the part of you that is dissociating itself over and over again from loving yourself. A deep fear is underlying and wants to be touched with true love. Allow this part to show itself and let us hear what it needs. Now give all your attention to this part and really turn it around, let it turn itself around in the image and anchor it with the symbol of a transparent violet or any other symbol that announces itself spontaneously.
The fifth level of the first energy centre is a basic level from where further steps truly can be taken. It is the level that guarantees Unconditional Love as a basis, however powerful the counter streams may be. So therefore, connect strongly with this part and reassure it whenever there are hiatuses in the flow.
6. "Am I whole?"
I Am whole.
The sixth level of Being of the first Energy centre is a circulation level that lets itself be fed by the heart-throat centre.
It is the level that guarantees the necessary connections and cleaning up on the first level. It is the level that starts the transparency of Being and guards the true grounding in the purest form. It is the level that lets the true grounding to cosmic creation and the other way around be what it may become. It is the basis of Being cosmic human.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is: "Am I whole?"
When the sixth level of Being is disturbed, we find a consequent movement and vibration in the stability. With other words, there is a consequent misbalance in the basis to be felt. This let itself be felt as a feeling of shakiness, rash and itching and other complains on the lower parts of your body.
The body takes on a consequent form of purification and consequently let you hear and feel that there is something going on.
By getting in contact with this part of the 1st energy centre it is possible to open up the 6th level and to clean out the old traces.
Do this by looking at this part and by Seeing what the intention is; what is necessary to give this part space and to let it flow.
What is restraining or holding back?
7. "Am I Being?"
I Am Being
On this level we find expression on the level of Being.
Expression of the basis sections. It is the level that announces itself as a deep emotion of Being, a deep feeling of really Being. Like you Are doing the Being. It is a first form of expression of Being as a cosmic human being and it is a true creator. It is the one asking and the one taking, it is the one who does and the one who sits still at the same time. In this part of the basis the quintessence question "Am I Being?" being asked.
In other words: Am I in the present and Am I doing in the PRESENT?
The 7th level of the first energy center is a crucial connection to come to the true fundamentals of creating and grounding. It is the level on which the foundation of creating and essential expression is being built. By looking at the connections and the flow, one can see where the eventual blockages lie.
Problems on this level are aligned with coming out and making contact to others on an essential level, from the basis. It shows us our fears regarding to making contact with others. It makes us feel and see our communicative basis.
Lack of this part in relation to others will break down the communication on the deepest level. Because here it is all about a sublevel it may seem as if it is all fine, and only later it will makes visible that there is something wrong, there is still 'some sand in between the wheels'.
8. "May I Be who I Am?"
I may Be who I Am.
The 8th level of the 1st energy center represents in its essence the spirit of enterprise in life, the life of Being. The ultimate Being-principle that will show itself through an internal motive of progression. You can say a connection to the perpetual motion, the cosmic spiralling of life which always continues to move from the essence, the remembrance of life as it allowed to Be. In connection with this part of the 1st energy centre you'll meet whatever resists to truly standing for your own Self, your own Being. It is this part of the 1st energy center that truly generates power and produces a progression in the grounding of Being, being cosmic human. In the problematic nature belonging to this part you will meet all of your old masculine and old feminine motives of being allowed to be. These are the motives that belong to the need for recognition, being material, being through the material. It is this part that thinks that it 'might be too late', what keeps on hitting the breaks whenever a feeling of progression through cosmic movement is showing itself in visibility and feeling and when it shines through in your daily life.
Letting go of these old masculine and feminine convictions can be effected by being in an active connection with this part of and to invite it to make known what it needs to Be, like the other parts, in a position of Love and rest. The position of Being in the Present.
This makes it possible, in the basis, to live on a higher level of consciousness as well and to lift the basis to a higher step on the 'life ladder'.
The quintessence question belonging to this part and level is:
"May I be for who I Am?"
9. "Am I equal to Christ?"
I Am equal to Christ
On this level we find the basic trust in life. The basic trust in the movement of life, in Being. This part represents the Christ trust in the Mother and the Father, the divine child part from the ancient. In this part we find the building stones for exploration from the soul, exploration from the soul through being who you are in trust with the Christ in you. In this part you'll get the answer to the question, if you trust yourself in the being-equal-to-Christ.
It is the Christ equality that wants to sow the grounding and trusting through this part, in order to reap when the time is right.
It is this part of the first energy center that creates and maintains the connections from the mother to the father, the cosmos and the central sun. Through this part the sun shines into the earth and the mother sun shines into the father, the cosmos. Open this part by connecting, at the same time, both the sun and the moon with your heart and by letting the flow of love flow to this part.
In this part a large uncertainty is imbedded. It is a basic uncertainty of being worthy, being worthy to be equal to Christ. Only love can open and heal this part. So, connect yourself regularly with the heart flow where through real Love heals.
10. "May I See who I Am?"
I may see who I Am.
The 10th level of the first energy center lets itself be Seen, literally.
It is an all-embracing part in the basis and is seen and felt from the heart. It is the basis of ancient power in connection with the heart through the Knowing, the Feeling, the Hearing and the Seeing. It is the basis of Being. In this part you find the real original human-being-state as it was meant in the essence of life. It is the part that initiates and that generates motive power from the Heart to an idea, a Knowing, an image. Disruption of this part let itself be seen in bizarre dreams whereby you may release old images, old memories from the basis of life or from former lives.
In this part the ancient mystic secrets are filed, that you may use at all times in life, initiated by the higher Self.
In connection with these basic ingredients it becomes possible to work things out from the ancient basis of Being. A trusted soul wisdom that has always 'Been' there, the ancient memory from the Source.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is:
"May I See who I Am?"
11. "May I Be who I Am?"
I May Be who I Am.
In this part of the 1st energy center, the divine/Christ connection in the ancient earth is stored. It is the Source connection that basically lets itself be felt as a umbilical cord or navel-string to the source. It is a spiritual navel-string that has being laid by leaving the Source, and it receives a flow of energy in order to be able to receive and to give cosmic life power in the basis of Being. It is in that sense a cord, a navel-string because the nourishment from the earth and the cosmos is been given through this level and only then can we partake of the energy, when the connections are intact. Make the connections by opening the level with a golden heart ray. Then bring the mother force energy out of the earth and the father force energy out of the cosmos to this level, this sub-energy centre, and let it Be right there.
Problems in this basis part of Being, in the circulation of the spiritual navel-string, let themselves be Seen and Felt by feeling inconvenienced on earth because one rather is in a cosmic connection only. In other words, being ungrounded.
It is this part that carries self-destruction in it; it is the part that chooses death in order not to live.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is:
"May I Be who I Am?"
12. "Am I who I Am?"
I Am who I Am.
By recognising and acknowledging this part it becomes possible to place spiritual human being and cosmic human being in the whole of the cosmos and earth at the same time. It is the basis part of placing Oneself in Being. How do I relate to earth and cosmos, Father and Mother. It is the cutting surface of experiencing and being able to place the spiritual and the personality, and through that truly integrating earthly and cosmic Being in the Being One with All That Is.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is:
"Am I who I Am?"
Problems that will show up are related to giving a basic place to being cosmic human. Who am I to…………..
13 . "Am I?"
I Am.
On the 13th level of the first energy center we find the divine portal and the grounding at the same time. It is the cyclical connection portal with an upstairs and downstairs, with cosmos and earth from the basis of being human. It is this part that directly connects itself again with the 1st sublevel. It is the Being with God. It is the God in Being. In connection with All That Is, you'll experience the connection with the earth and the cosmos in One.
In this part of Being an earthly fulfilment is being enjoyed and a divine level of consciousness can truly ground itself and be lived. The essence of this part is creating up to the highest level, creation force in its most earthly form.
The quintessence question belonging to this level is:
"Am I?"
The flowing of this subpart guarantees a pureness of being. Clearing up disturbances can only be done when one works with a pure connection with the cosmos and earth and by using the right symbols/energy.
"I AM"
*Working with this text is designed for the self-actualization of the individual on the path of awakening, Being human. The consequences of working with this text are the responsibility of the reader him/her self.
See a doctor when you experience a physical/mental imbalances.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Twelve Signs of Your Awakening Divinity
The Shaumbra Symptoms
Twelve Signs of Your Awakening Divinity
1. Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the "Christ seed" awakens within. This too shall pass.
2. Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes the feeling of sadness. This is similar to the experience of moving from a house where you lived in for many, many years into a new house. As much as you want to move into the new house, there is a sadness of leaving behind the memories, energy and experiences of the old house. This too shall pass.
3. Crying for no apparent reason. Similar to #2 above. It's good and healthy to let the tears flow. It helps to release the old energy within. This too shall pass.
4. Sudden change in job or career. A very common symptom. As you change, things around you will change as well. Don't worry about finding the "perfect" job or career right now. This too shall pass. You're in transition and you may make several job changes before you settle into one that fits your passion.
5. Withdrawal from family relationships. You are connected to your biological family via old karma. When you get off the karmic cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released. It will appear as though you are drifting away from your family and friends. This too shall pass. After a period of time, you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. However, the relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic attachments.
6. Unusual sleep patterns. It's likely that you'll awaken many nights between 2:00 and 4:00 AM. There's a lot of work going on within you, and it often causes you to wake up for a "breather." Not to worry. If you can't go back to sleep, get up and do something rather than lay in bed and worry about humanly things. This too shall pass.
7. Intense dreams. These might include war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as wars, running to escape and boogiemen. This too shall pass.
8. Physical disorientation. At times you'll feel very ungrounded. You'll be "spatially challenged" with the feeling like you can't put two feet on the ground, or that you're walking between two worlds. As your consciousness transitions into the new energy, you body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time in nature to help ground the new energy within. This too shall pass.
9. Increased "self talk." You'll find yourself talking to your Self more often. You'll suddenly realize you've been chattering away with yourself for the past 30 minutes. There is a new level of communication taking place within your being, and you're experiencing the tip of the iceberg with the self talk. The conversations will increase, and they will become more fluid, more coherent and more insightful. You're not going crazy, you're just Shaumbra moving into the new energy.
10. Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others. You may feel alone and removed from others. You may feel the desire to "flee" groups and crowds. As Shaumbra, you are walking a sacred and lonely path. As much as the feelings of loneliness cause you anxiety, it is difficult to relate to others at this time. The feelings of loneliness are also associated with the fact that your Guides have departed. They have been with you on all of your journeys in all of your lifetimes. It was time for them to back away so you could fill your space with your own divinity. This too shall pass. The void within will be filled with the love and energy of your own Christ consciousness.
11. Loss of passion. You may feel totally disimpassioned, with little or no desire to do anything. That's OK, and it's just part of the process. Take this time to "do no-thing." Don't fight yourself on this, because this too shall pass. It's similar to rebooting a computer. You need to shut down for a brief period of time in order to load the sophisticated new software, or in this case, the new Christ-seed energy.
12. A deep longing to go Home. This is perhaps the most difficult and challenging of any of the conditions. You may experience a deep and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return to Home. This is not a "suicidal" feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration. You don't want to make a big deal of it or cause drama for yourself or other. There is a quiet part of you that wants to go Home. The root cause for this is quite simple. You have completed your karmic cycles. You have completed your contract for this lifetime. You are ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this physical body. During this transition process, you have an inner remembrance of what it is like to be on the other side. Are you ready to enlist for another tour of duty here on Earth? Are you ready to take on the challenges of moving into the New Energy? Yes, indeed you could go Home right now. But you've come this far, and after many, many lifetimes it would be a shame to leave before the end of the movie. Besides, Spirit needs you here to help others transition into the new energy. They will need a human guide, just like you, who has taken the journey from the old energy into the new. The path you're walking right now provides the experiences to enable you to become a Teacher of the New Divine Human. As lonely and dark as your journey can be at times, remember that you are never alone.
Twelve Signs of Your Awakening Divinity
1. Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the "Christ seed" awakens within. This too shall pass.
2. Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes the feeling of sadness. This is similar to the experience of moving from a house where you lived in for many, many years into a new house. As much as you want to move into the new house, there is a sadness of leaving behind the memories, energy and experiences of the old house. This too shall pass.
3. Crying for no apparent reason. Similar to #2 above. It's good and healthy to let the tears flow. It helps to release the old energy within. This too shall pass.
4. Sudden change in job or career. A very common symptom. As you change, things around you will change as well. Don't worry about finding the "perfect" job or career right now. This too shall pass. You're in transition and you may make several job changes before you settle into one that fits your passion.
5. Withdrawal from family relationships. You are connected to your biological family via old karma. When you get off the karmic cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released. It will appear as though you are drifting away from your family and friends. This too shall pass. After a period of time, you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. However, the relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic attachments.
6. Unusual sleep patterns. It's likely that you'll awaken many nights between 2:00 and 4:00 AM. There's a lot of work going on within you, and it often causes you to wake up for a "breather." Not to worry. If you can't go back to sleep, get up and do something rather than lay in bed and worry about humanly things. This too shall pass.
7. Intense dreams. These might include war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as wars, running to escape and boogiemen. This too shall pass.
8. Physical disorientation. At times you'll feel very ungrounded. You'll be "spatially challenged" with the feeling like you can't put two feet on the ground, or that you're walking between two worlds. As your consciousness transitions into the new energy, you body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time in nature to help ground the new energy within. This too shall pass.
9. Increased "self talk." You'll find yourself talking to your Self more often. You'll suddenly realize you've been chattering away with yourself for the past 30 minutes. There is a new level of communication taking place within your being, and you're experiencing the tip of the iceberg with the self talk. The conversations will increase, and they will become more fluid, more coherent and more insightful. You're not going crazy, you're just Shaumbra moving into the new energy.
10. Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others. You may feel alone and removed from others. You may feel the desire to "flee" groups and crowds. As Shaumbra, you are walking a sacred and lonely path. As much as the feelings of loneliness cause you anxiety, it is difficult to relate to others at this time. The feelings of loneliness are also associated with the fact that your Guides have departed. They have been with you on all of your journeys in all of your lifetimes. It was time for them to back away so you could fill your space with your own divinity. This too shall pass. The void within will be filled with the love and energy of your own Christ consciousness.
11. Loss of passion. You may feel totally disimpassioned, with little or no desire to do anything. That's OK, and it's just part of the process. Take this time to "do no-thing." Don't fight yourself on this, because this too shall pass. It's similar to rebooting a computer. You need to shut down for a brief period of time in order to load the sophisticated new software, or in this case, the new Christ-seed energy.
12. A deep longing to go Home. This is perhaps the most difficult and challenging of any of the conditions. You may experience a deep and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return to Home. This is not a "suicidal" feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration. You don't want to make a big deal of it or cause drama for yourself or other. There is a quiet part of you that wants to go Home. The root cause for this is quite simple. You have completed your karmic cycles. You have completed your contract for this lifetime. You are ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this physical body. During this transition process, you have an inner remembrance of what it is like to be on the other side. Are you ready to enlist for another tour of duty here on Earth? Are you ready to take on the challenges of moving into the New Energy? Yes, indeed you could go Home right now. But you've come this far, and after many, many lifetimes it would be a shame to leave before the end of the movie. Besides, Spirit needs you here to help others transition into the new energy. They will need a human guide, just like you, who has taken the journey from the old energy into the new. The path you're walking right now provides the experiences to enable you to become a Teacher of the New Divine Human. As lonely and dark as your journey can be at times, remember that you are never alone.
Home Made Facial Cleansers & Toners
Simple but sophisticated homemade facial cleansers/Toners are easy to use, healthy, inexpensive and effective.
The legendary beauty Cleopatra's famed milk baths made her skin soft and supple because milk contains alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). AHAs such as those that are found in milk are also found in lemon juice, vinegar, blackberries, grapes, oranges, tomatoes, and apple juice and they exfoliate the skin by dissolving the glue that holds dead skin cells together. They cleanse the top layer of skin, allowing the body's natural emollient oils to reach the surface cells and help moisturize and relieve dryness. They also cleanse oily skin and remove blackheads.
AHA chemical peels of between 20 and 70 percent acidity are available from some doctors, but they are so strong they can leave scars, and the FDA believes that these strong peels could expose the skin to an increased risk of sunburn. The ingredients I mentioned here, such as organic apple cider vinegar, are all-natural AHAs that you can use at home (avoid the eyes), have seven percent acidity, and all are a safe and sure way to get the benefit of fruit acids without danger to the skin (although even at this low level, you should be aware of the increased risk of sunburn).
The benefits of homemade fruit acids become evident as soon as you start using them; your skin starts feeling soft and smooth. To my skin's great benefit I squeeze a lemon once a week and keep its juice in the refrigerator. In the morning, I dab some of the juice on my fingers and pat it onto my face, leave it on for ten minutes or so and then rinse.
The legendary beauty Cleopatra's famed milk baths made her skin soft and supple because milk contains alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). AHAs such as those that are found in milk are also found in lemon juice, vinegar, blackberries, grapes, oranges, tomatoes, and apple juice and they exfoliate the skin by dissolving the glue that holds dead skin cells together. They cleanse the top layer of skin, allowing the body's natural emollient oils to reach the surface cells and help moisturize and relieve dryness. They also cleanse oily skin and remove blackheads.
AHA chemical peels of between 20 and 70 percent acidity are available from some doctors, but they are so strong they can leave scars, and the FDA believes that these strong peels could expose the skin to an increased risk of sunburn. The ingredients I mentioned here, such as organic apple cider vinegar, are all-natural AHAs that you can use at home (avoid the eyes), have seven percent acidity, and all are a safe and sure way to get the benefit of fruit acids without danger to the skin (although even at this low level, you should be aware of the increased risk of sunburn).
The benefits of homemade fruit acids become evident as soon as you start using them; your skin starts feeling soft and smooth. To my skin's great benefit I squeeze a lemon once a week and keep its juice in the refrigerator. In the morning, I dab some of the juice on my fingers and pat it onto my face, leave it on for ten minutes or so and then rinse.
face toners,
safe facial cleanser,
skin cleanser
The Astral Senses-----
The Astral Senses-----
This week we will start to take a look at our "inner-senses", that
is to say those senses that do not rely on our physical eyes, ears,
nose, taste or touch.
Our inner senses are based in our Astral body; otherwise known as
the Soul. The Astral senses correspond very closely to the
equivalent physical senses, but are vastly more acute and far
ranging due to the fact they are not restricted by the density and
low vibration of physical matter.
In most people the Astral senses are, during normal waking
consciousness completely overwhelmed by the physical senses during
the sensory overload known as "physical existence". Everywhere we
go the physical senses are bombarded whenever we walk into a store,
watch the TV, walk down the high street and so on. This assault on
the physical senses almost guarantees that the inner Astral senses
have little chance to exert any meaningful influence.
Therefore, over the course of thousands of years, humans have
progressively lost the use of many inner abilities that make use of
the inner senses as well as other natural inner abilities such as
However, it is possible to experience the Astral senses under the
right conditions, as well as to consciously develop them with the
right exercises.
This week we will take a look at some of the situations where we
experience our Astral senses due to natural conditions.
There are a very wide variety of beings inhabiting the Astral
worlds at all levels in addition to humans and other advanced forms
of Universal life. These beings exhibit a very wide variety of
characteristics and purpose in accordance with their position in
the grand scheme of the Universe, often existing as members of a
single element of Fire, Air, Water and Earth.
There are particular classes of these inner beings of the single
elements that are actually extremely well-known to everyone, and in
particular to children who enjoy hearing stories about them;
stories often known as "fairy-tales". The beings featuring in these
"fairy tales" are actually very real indeed, but live in the Astral
worlds rather than in the physical world as most people suppose.
There is a very large array of these "fairytale creatures" of the
Astral worlds, some of the most well-known ones being:
Salamanders: beings of the pure element of Fire.
Sylphs: beings of the pure element of Air.
Undines: also known as mermaids, beings of the pure element of
Gnomes: beings of the pure element of Earth.
In addition, other beings instantly recognisable to most people
include fairies, often also known as faeries or fay folk, satyrs,
wood nymphs, water sprites and numerous other such delightful
beings. All of these creatures have their own place in the grand
Universal scheme of things, often being involved with aspects of
nature in the physical world.
Fairy stories originally came about because throughout the ages
people with no natural psychic ability to perceive the inner realms
of life have experienced a spontaneous "vision", where the psychic
senses which are latent in most people have suddenly and
temporarily become activated.
This can happen much more easily and more often than most people
might believe. If a person is "mesmerised" by a scene, it might for
example be a scene in a forest clearing, a beautiful meadow, a view
by the sea, a mountain vista or a sparkling lake, it becomes
possible to see these wonderful Astral creatures. This happens when
the physical senses including vision become "paralysed" by the
scene while focusing intently on the scene, causing an altered
state of Consciousness often known as a "trance" condition,
characterised by a slowing down of brainwave frequencies. When this
situation occurs a person can then "see" beyond the "veil"
separating the material world from the Astral worlds and into the
realms inhabited by these "fairytale creatures".
Another, condition that allows the viewing of these beings is
called the "Ganzfeld" effect. A "Ganzfeld" effect occurs due to
either natural or deliberate sensory deprivation, during which, due
to "paralysis" of the corresponding physical senses, the Astral
senses are able to take over for a time.
For example, a person standing on the deck of a cruise liner might
be staring intently out to sea at the seemingly endless expanse of
shimmering water, and then all of a sudden see a mermaid.
This person might well later doubt what they saw, and would most
probably be afraid to tell other people about the experience, but
there is no doubting at all what they actually saw, albeit only
transiently, was a very real mermaid going about its usual
activities in the Astral worlds but close to water in the physical
world with which they are associated through the element of Water.
What has occurred here in fact is that the act of staring out over
an endless expanse of featureless open water has caused "paralysis"
of the physical sight allowing the Astral site to take over, thus
allowing the viewing of beings and scenes of the inner worlds.
Undines, or mermaids, are beings of the Universal element
of Water and therefore tend to be "seen" in the regions of the
earthly counterpart in accordance with the Universal Law of
Correspondence. The same might happen in a woodland setting, where
fairies or faeries or fay folk as they are known from more ancient
sources can be seen flitting around a winding stream. In a forest
wood nymphs might be seen, or even a unicorn standing in a
clearing. Around hillsides and other such "earthy" areas gnomes
might be seen going about their busy lives.
Although all of this might seem like something from one of the
great fairy story books with which we are all familiar as children,
these stories have a very real origin indeed, the results of people
from cultures all over the world over the millennia actually seeing
these beings for themselves, writing about them, eventually
becoming the fairy tales so fondly told today to the great delight
of children everywhere.
These creatures abound in folklore all over the world, and what is
known to some people as a "fairy", "mermaid" or a "gnome" in one
part of the world is known by a completely different name
As with all Astral beings these are "Etheric" creatures which, like
everything else in the Astral worlds, have no material or solid
form and are therefore "seen" in accordance with the psychic
perceptions of the observer. These beings can take on any size and
shape they desire at any time. Over the ages people have formed
very detailed perceptions as to what these fairy tale beings look
like, probably based on the first written accounts and the many
sightings related by word of mouth. Undines, or mermaids, will
therefore be seen as human type beings with fins and flippers
instead of legs. Fairies will be seen as small, human type
creatures with small wings with which they flit around and hover
over flowers, water and other features in nature. Gnomes are
usually seen as small men and women busily going about their work,
sometimes carrying a lantern or other working implements, wearing a
tall cap on the head. Male gnomes will often be perceived with a
long beard, and wearing the familiar tunic as pictured in fairy
tales. Much more could be said about the existence and work of
these wonderful Astral beings, but suffice it to say they are very
real indeed and have their own position in the grand Universal
Children, often until the age of five years old or so are still
very tuned into the Astral and Spirit worlds and also have a much
higher degree of natural clairvoyant and psychic ability than older
children and adults. From the moment of birth children are
indoctrinated constantly by parents, relatives and others to make
full use of their five physical senses, and are often discouraged
from playing with "imaginary friends". The fact of the matter is,
these friends far from being "imaginary" are very real indeed to
the children who really can "see" and interact with them; another
reason why children enjoy hearing "fairy tales" about their little
friends so much.
Another situation where the Astral worlds can be viewed, almost as
if watching a movie in a cinema, is just before sleep.
During the process of drifting off to sleep we go through a state
where the physical senses "switch-off" and the Astral senses
Often this process occurs so quickly that it is not noticed.
However, if the sleep entry process is slowed down, very often a
"window" appears at the position of the "brow chakra" or "third
eye", that is like a movie screen upon which vivid, colorful moving
images can be seen of scenes, people, locales such as vast cities
and much more that often defies description.
These are very real images of the Astral worlds, and practice it is
possible to project into these scenes and become part of them; a
process known as "phasing"; a type of Astral projection.
This week we will start to take a look at our "inner-senses", that
is to say those senses that do not rely on our physical eyes, ears,
nose, taste or touch.
Our inner senses are based in our Astral body; otherwise known as
the Soul. The Astral senses correspond very closely to the
equivalent physical senses, but are vastly more acute and far
ranging due to the fact they are not restricted by the density and
low vibration of physical matter.
In most people the Astral senses are, during normal waking
consciousness completely overwhelmed by the physical senses during
the sensory overload known as "physical existence". Everywhere we
go the physical senses are bombarded whenever we walk into a store,
watch the TV, walk down the high street and so on. This assault on
the physical senses almost guarantees that the inner Astral senses
have little chance to exert any meaningful influence.
Therefore, over the course of thousands of years, humans have
progressively lost the use of many inner abilities that make use of
the inner senses as well as other natural inner abilities such as
However, it is possible to experience the Astral senses under the
right conditions, as well as to consciously develop them with the
right exercises.
This week we will take a look at some of the situations where we
experience our Astral senses due to natural conditions.
There are a very wide variety of beings inhabiting the Astral
worlds at all levels in addition to humans and other advanced forms
of Universal life. These beings exhibit a very wide variety of
characteristics and purpose in accordance with their position in
the grand scheme of the Universe, often existing as members of a
single element of Fire, Air, Water and Earth.
There are particular classes of these inner beings of the single
elements that are actually extremely well-known to everyone, and in
particular to children who enjoy hearing stories about them;
stories often known as "fairy-tales". The beings featuring in these
"fairy tales" are actually very real indeed, but live in the Astral
worlds rather than in the physical world as most people suppose.
There is a very large array of these "fairytale creatures" of the
Astral worlds, some of the most well-known ones being:
Salamanders: beings of the pure element of Fire.
Sylphs: beings of the pure element of Air.
Undines: also known as mermaids, beings of the pure element of
Gnomes: beings of the pure element of Earth.
In addition, other beings instantly recognisable to most people
include fairies, often also known as faeries or fay folk, satyrs,
wood nymphs, water sprites and numerous other such delightful
beings. All of these creatures have their own place in the grand
Universal scheme of things, often being involved with aspects of
nature in the physical world.
Fairy stories originally came about because throughout the ages
people with no natural psychic ability to perceive the inner realms
of life have experienced a spontaneous "vision", where the psychic
senses which are latent in most people have suddenly and
temporarily become activated.
This can happen much more easily and more often than most people
might believe. If a person is "mesmerised" by a scene, it might for
example be a scene in a forest clearing, a beautiful meadow, a view
by the sea, a mountain vista or a sparkling lake, it becomes
possible to see these wonderful Astral creatures. This happens when
the physical senses including vision become "paralysed" by the
scene while focusing intently on the scene, causing an altered
state of Consciousness often known as a "trance" condition,
characterised by a slowing down of brainwave frequencies. When this
situation occurs a person can then "see" beyond the "veil"
separating the material world from the Astral worlds and into the
realms inhabited by these "fairytale creatures".
Another, condition that allows the viewing of these beings is
called the "Ganzfeld" effect. A "Ganzfeld" effect occurs due to
either natural or deliberate sensory deprivation, during which, due
to "paralysis" of the corresponding physical senses, the Astral
senses are able to take over for a time.
For example, a person standing on the deck of a cruise liner might
be staring intently out to sea at the seemingly endless expanse of
shimmering water, and then all of a sudden see a mermaid.
This person might well later doubt what they saw, and would most
probably be afraid to tell other people about the experience, but
there is no doubting at all what they actually saw, albeit only
transiently, was a very real mermaid going about its usual
activities in the Astral worlds but close to water in the physical
world with which they are associated through the element of Water.
What has occurred here in fact is that the act of staring out over
an endless expanse of featureless open water has caused "paralysis"
of the physical sight allowing the Astral site to take over, thus
allowing the viewing of beings and scenes of the inner worlds.
Undines, or mermaids, are beings of the Universal element
of Water and therefore tend to be "seen" in the regions of the
earthly counterpart in accordance with the Universal Law of
Correspondence. The same might happen in a woodland setting, where
fairies or faeries or fay folk as they are known from more ancient
sources can be seen flitting around a winding stream. In a forest
wood nymphs might be seen, or even a unicorn standing in a
clearing. Around hillsides and other such "earthy" areas gnomes
might be seen going about their busy lives.
Although all of this might seem like something from one of the
great fairy story books with which we are all familiar as children,
these stories have a very real origin indeed, the results of people
from cultures all over the world over the millennia actually seeing
these beings for themselves, writing about them, eventually
becoming the fairy tales so fondly told today to the great delight
of children everywhere.
These creatures abound in folklore all over the world, and what is
known to some people as a "fairy", "mermaid" or a "gnome" in one
part of the world is known by a completely different name
As with all Astral beings these are "Etheric" creatures which, like
everything else in the Astral worlds, have no material or solid
form and are therefore "seen" in accordance with the psychic
perceptions of the observer. These beings can take on any size and
shape they desire at any time. Over the ages people have formed
very detailed perceptions as to what these fairy tale beings look
like, probably based on the first written accounts and the many
sightings related by word of mouth. Undines, or mermaids, will
therefore be seen as human type beings with fins and flippers
instead of legs. Fairies will be seen as small, human type
creatures with small wings with which they flit around and hover
over flowers, water and other features in nature. Gnomes are
usually seen as small men and women busily going about their work,
sometimes carrying a lantern or other working implements, wearing a
tall cap on the head. Male gnomes will often be perceived with a
long beard, and wearing the familiar tunic as pictured in fairy
tales. Much more could be said about the existence and work of
these wonderful Astral beings, but suffice it to say they are very
real indeed and have their own position in the grand Universal
Children, often until the age of five years old or so are still
very tuned into the Astral and Spirit worlds and also have a much
higher degree of natural clairvoyant and psychic ability than older
children and adults. From the moment of birth children are
indoctrinated constantly by parents, relatives and others to make
full use of their five physical senses, and are often discouraged
from playing with "imaginary friends". The fact of the matter is,
these friends far from being "imaginary" are very real indeed to
the children who really can "see" and interact with them; another
reason why children enjoy hearing "fairy tales" about their little
friends so much.
Another situation where the Astral worlds can be viewed, almost as
if watching a movie in a cinema, is just before sleep.
During the process of drifting off to sleep we go through a state
where the physical senses "switch-off" and the Astral senses
Often this process occurs so quickly that it is not noticed.
However, if the sleep entry process is slowed down, very often a
"window" appears at the position of the "brow chakra" or "third
eye", that is like a movie screen upon which vivid, colorful moving
images can be seen of scenes, people, locales such as vast cities
and much more that often defies description.
These are very real images of the Astral worlds, and practice it is
possible to project into these scenes and become part of them; a
process known as "phasing"; a type of Astral projection.
astral travel,
Out of Body Experiences
Hypnosis Course to Attract Your Soul Mate!
Today I want to introduce you to the single, most powerful programing the world that will train you to become an expert in meeting the person of your dreams.
This course contains 6+ hours of audio that is designed to take you from A to Z in mastering the art of attracting your soul mate/twin flame.
"The Hypnotic Pick Up Method" is the course I'm referring to and it has been created by Master Hypnotist Steve G. Jones. He is also a good friend of mine so he wanted me to offer my readers an opportunity to pre order this amazing new course.
Through this special arrangement I made with Steve, you can pre order The Hypnotic Pick Up Method course for almost 70% OFF!
Keep in mind that pre ordering is NOT available to the public.
Here's the secret VIP webpage where you can watch a video from Steve and pre order your course for just $47.00:
On Valentine's Day, this course will retail for $149.95 to the general public. And, the course is well worth every penny at that price.
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Imagine having the transcendent ability to connect with your soul mate at any given time using nothing more than hypnosis.
This will revolutionize the way you act towards the person you want to attract.
Whether you are a man or a woman, this course will enable you to get whatever it is you desire from the person you are attracted to. Please, use this course responsibly!
If you're ready to discover how to meet the person of your dreams, then Hypnotic Pick Up Method is for you.
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Now you too can master the art of the pickup and turn the person of your dreams into a reality!
To Meeting The Person Of Your Dreams,
This course contains 6+ hours of audio that is designed to take you from A to Z in mastering the art of attracting your soul mate/twin flame.
"The Hypnotic Pick Up Method" is the course I'm referring to and it has been created by Master Hypnotist Steve G. Jones. He is also a good friend of mine so he wanted me to offer my readers an opportunity to pre order this amazing new course.
Through this special arrangement I made with Steve, you can pre order The Hypnotic Pick Up Method course for almost 70% OFF!
Keep in mind that pre ordering is NOT available to the public.
Here's the secret VIP webpage where you can watch a video from Steve and pre order your course for just $47.00:
On Valentine's Day, this course will retail for $149.95 to the general public. And, the course is well worth every penny at that price.
So, go to the secret webpage NOW:
Imagine having the transcendent ability to connect with your soul mate at any given time using nothing more than hypnosis.
This will revolutionize the way you act towards the person you want to attract.
Whether you are a man or a woman, this course will enable you to get whatever it is you desire from the person you are attracted to. Please, use this course responsibly!
If you're ready to discover how to meet the person of your dreams, then Hypnotic Pick Up Method is for you.
Here's the deal.
Go here right now and pre order your course at more than HALF off!
Once the course is ready, you will be contacted with the download instructions. It's as simple as that.
Now you too can master the art of the pickup and turn the person of your dreams into a reality!
To Meeting The Person Of Your Dreams,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Prosperity LOA Book Review: The Starter Book for Positive Thought "Open Your Mind to Receive"
I'm truly amazed at the weather in Arizona. It's almost the end of January and we are having 80 degree days! While other parts of the USA are being burried in snow, I'm absolutely counting my blessings! I hope you are having a wonderful day no matter how the weather is.
You know how we think of a situation shapes our views of what is going on at the moment. So try to focus on the good that is in what ever situation you are in. Kind of like the saying where I grew up, "if you don't like the weather give it a minute it'll change". Life is flowing and ever changing so think of the good in where you are at now because now becomes the past in the next second.
This brings me to a passion of mine. Reading. Yes I'm an avid reader, and I'm not talking about the editing machine either. *laugh*
I love to read and have a huge library of books so I thought that it might be nice to once a week or a couple of times a week, depending on what is going on, give a short review of a book that has helped me on my path. With the hope that I am able to help someone else on their path as well.
The first book is:
"Open Your Mind to Receive" by Catherine Ponder
To me this is the training wheels book for The Law of Attraction. It's as easy to put into practice as it is to read. It lays the foundation for building your LOA and Positive Thoughts practice. If you need a little direction or are just starting or are trying to put into practice what you have read before this is the book I recomend.
Open Your Mind To Receive is a 120 page soft cover that is easy to read and put into practice. No matter what you are going through in life this book helps you to take steps toward your wants and dreams.
The chapter titles say it all:
1. Open Your Mind to Receive
2. Your Gift of Release
3. Your Gift of Prophecy
4. Your Gift of "Nothing But the Best"
5. Your Gift of a "People Consciousness"
6. Your Gift of Growth and Expansion
7. Your Gift of Prosperous Increase
Catherine Ponder known as "the pioneer of positive thinking" uses a no nonesence
approach to teaching. She shares the hows of attraction in a way that makes it easy to receive.
Product Description:
Year after year, Catherine Ponder's books continue to enlighten the world with prosperity secrets that work. Countless authors credit her inspiring words as the spark that set them on their own path to prosperity. OPEN YOUR MIND TO RECEIVE is now updated with new real-life stories, all revealing the laws of abundance that help the reader to pinpoint the source and open the floodgates of prosperity.
Just click on the image below to find out more or to purchase the is absolutely a must read (along with the other Catherine Pounder books) for those that want to change their lives for the better in any way.
You know how we think of a situation shapes our views of what is going on at the moment. So try to focus on the good that is in what ever situation you are in. Kind of like the saying where I grew up, "if you don't like the weather give it a minute it'll change". Life is flowing and ever changing so think of the good in where you are at now because now becomes the past in the next second.
This brings me to a passion of mine. Reading. Yes I'm an avid reader, and I'm not talking about the editing machine either. *laugh*
I love to read and have a huge library of books so I thought that it might be nice to once a week or a couple of times a week, depending on what is going on, give a short review of a book that has helped me on my path. With the hope that I am able to help someone else on their path as well.
The first book is:
"Open Your Mind to Receive" by Catherine Ponder
To me this is the training wheels book for The Law of Attraction. It's as easy to put into practice as it is to read. It lays the foundation for building your LOA and Positive Thoughts practice. If you need a little direction or are just starting or are trying to put into practice what you have read before this is the book I recomend.
Open Your Mind To Receive is a 120 page soft cover that is easy to read and put into practice. No matter what you are going through in life this book helps you to take steps toward your wants and dreams.
The chapter titles say it all:
1. Open Your Mind to Receive
2. Your Gift of Release
3. Your Gift of Prophecy
4. Your Gift of "Nothing But the Best"
5. Your Gift of a "People Consciousness"
6. Your Gift of Growth and Expansion
7. Your Gift of Prosperous Increase
Catherine Ponder known as "the pioneer of positive thinking" uses a no nonesence
approach to teaching. She shares the hows of attraction in a way that makes it easy to receive.
Product Description:
Year after year, Catherine Ponder's books continue to enlighten the world with prosperity secrets that work. Countless authors credit her inspiring words as the spark that set them on their own path to prosperity. OPEN YOUR MIND TO RECEIVE is now updated with new real-life stories, all revealing the laws of abundance that help the reader to pinpoint the source and open the floodgates of prosperity.
Just click on the image below to find out more or to purchase the is absolutely a must read (along with the other Catherine Pounder books) for those that want to change their lives for the better in any way.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Hidden Meaning of Your Dreams
Whether you are asleep or awake, your mind is constantly in motion. It communicates thoughts and messages to you in the form of ideas, when awake, and dreams, when asleep. You can train yourself to listen and become aware of the messages you receive during your sleeping state.
Dreams help us to work out our problems and concerns. Many people think that our brain sleeps when our body sleeps, but this is not the case. When the body rests, the brain spends much of the night dreaming as it swells in the Theta and Delta states, which can be detected on a bio-rhythm machine. The stories within our dreams are messages we need to absorb for our own good and more than likely a direction to take to solve a current problem or concern. We can learn their meaning if we pay attention to our dreams. Some simple techniques can put your brain power to work for you while you sleep, and then help you to recall your dreams so you can benefit from them when awake. It is always best to keep a dream journal, at your bedside, with a pen, so you can make notes as you are awakened by these dreams.
Dreams can reveal a rich inner life waiting to be discovered. In a dream state, we can put our life force to work and solve many problems that seem insurmountable when we are awake. That is because there are no emotions involved. No guard up. When we dream, we connect with our Blessed Higher Self and Spirit Guides, through our energy system. This is done at the basic cellular level. For example, we can receive important messages about our health and well being long before a disease appears on the body or a doctor has to be called. Dreams can also spice up your sex life. Basically dreams bring understanding, problem solving, and may give clues to our future.
Follow the Dream If one advances in the direction of his dreams, he will meet with success unsuspected in waking hours.
In ancient times it was thought that dreams were messages from the gods or from demons. Priests were the only people skilled enough to interpret these dreams. People would travel far distances to visit a temple and get a reading of their dreams. The readings would show guidance on health, wealth, war, peace. or whether next year's crops would be plentiful.
One of the oldest books known to man is the Bible, which mentions more than 700 dreams, all showing an important connection to the lives, problems and well-being of the ancient Tribes of Israel.
In the new testament, Joseph was cautioned by a dream to flee to Egypt with Mary and the baby Jesus to avoid the coming wrath of Herod. The Wise Men were also warned in a dream to return home another way, avoid returning to Herod, which would keep them out of danger.
Perhaps the most famous Biblical dream is the story of another Joseph, whose brothers, jealous of his understanding of dreams and his coat of many colors, sold him into slavery in Egypt. Later, after interpreting the Pharaoh¹s dream of the seven fat cattle and the seven lean cattle as a prophetic dream of a famine yet to come, Joseph became governor of Egypt. That was when he confronted, and forgave, his brothers.
As time went on, people began to think that events in the real world caused dreams. Someone wearing a damp nightshirt would dream about water. Someone who ate too much at dinner would have a nightmare. We know now that outside factors such as noise or cold can enter your consciousness and affect small details in a dream, but have little to do with the main content of the dream.
Then Sigmund Freud, in the 1930's, the most famous psychoanalyst of the 20th Century caused a revolution when he said that dreams are created from images, memories, thoughts, wishes and fears that are stored within a person's brain. He used dream interpretation when treating his patients.
Carl Jung added to this new approach by saying that dreams are a tool for learning more about ourselves and help us to achieve our full potential. He thought the same images appear in many people's dreams because there is a collective unconsciousness in which we all share basic knowledge, even though we come from different cultures and speak different languages.
The actual study of physiology (or biology) of dreams began when a researcher at the University of Chicago checked on his sleeping son and noticed that the child¹s eyes, though closed. were moving back and fourth. This is called REM movement, and can be noticed easily in cats. It is thought that when the REM movement is present. a person is dreaming.
We spend two of every twenty four hours dreaming each day, which can add up to more than five years during a lifetime.
You don't have to analyze your dreams for them to be of help to you. the mere fact that you dream is good for you, and will help to keep your life in balance. In experiments, people who constantly wake up while they are dreaming develop serious psychological problems, we all need to dream, and it is an important part of the life process, as much as eating or drinking. However, many people feel that figuring out the meaning of their dreams gives them a richer understanding of their lives.
Your dreams can tell you what you are really feeling about your mate, your job, your parents, children, financial situation or your past and also help guide you as to what you may really want - what the Soul needs - in your future. The more you practice becoming aware of your dreams, the better you will become in remembering them as well as recording them. If your company is having layoffs, and you dreams about a collapsing building or a sinking lifeboat, you'll figure out exactly where your anxiety lies, and can begin preparing by sending out an updated resume.
The most important thing to know is this, you are the best person to figure out your dreams! There are many dream books that tell you meanings, and when one rings true for you from within, that is the way to go.
The first step to deciphering your dreams is to write them down - keep a dream journal. By writing your dreams down and making a regular effort to remember them, you will begin to recall them in more detail. You will be surprised as how good you will get if you follow this routine.
Begin by writing down the date of each dream. Allow free flowing thought to atake over.
Give your dream a title, so you can easily find the reference again.
Write down as much detail as possible concerning each dream.
Write in the present tense, not in the past tense, and don¹t worry about grammar or punctuation. this is only for your eyes.
Now, suppose you wake up and know you dreamed something about a car. Try to recall as many details as you can along with any feelings you may have had in the dream. What color was the car? Were you driving?
The dream dictionary tells you the car is a symbol of your body and show if you have your life under control. This could be connected to your self-image, your personality, the freedom to come and go as you wish, or your drive for success. Ask yourself some questions about your dream.
Was the car damages or dented? This could mean some poor self-esteem. Also, check your health.
Are you in the driver¹s seat? Whoever is driving the car is in control of your life. If you are in the back seat, you are allowing others to manage your life.
Was the air conditioner working? You may be feeling smothered, or may need to check the condition of your lungs, especially if you smoke.
Did the breaks fail? This connects with will power, discipline, overspending, and suggests you need to slow down.
Did you run out of gas? Check yourself - are you out of energy? Do you need vitamin supplements? Do you need some R&R or a vacation?
Now you can begin to see how to bring the details of the dream to light if you ask yourself questions about your dream. Sometimes it is easy to remember a dream, if it was a very powerful one or a happy one. Sometimes remembering can become difficult, especially if you tend to jump right out of bed in the morning to begin your daily routine, without meditation or contemplation.
Here are some tips to improve dream recall:
Tell yourself several times during the day that you intend to remember your dreams. This is called setting a condition. Then, just before you fall asleep, when you are relaxed, tell yourself, "I will remember my dreams when I wake up in the morning."
Place an object with a scent, a bag of herbs or sachet, near your bed. Associating the scent with dreaming may trigger some dream recall.
Keep your Dream Journal next to your bed. Just knowing it is there will help. You may need to use it in the middle of the night!
Drink a glass of water before retiring. Avoid drugs or alcohol as they tend to repress REM sleep.
If you are trying to work out a problem, write it down just before you go to sleep. then ask your Higher Self to work with you in finding a solution.
When morning comes - as you awaken - don't move! Don't even open your eyes. Hang on to the energies of the night. Lie still for a moment and concentrate on recalling your dreams. Try to remember how they felt. The mood of the dream may still be with you.
Even if you recall only a small chunk of the dream, write it down anyway. Ask yourself who was in you dream. Did the people remind you of anyone? Bear in mind that things in a dream can often be disguised, as a person in a dream may not be the person you will deal with in reality. For example, you may dream about the Queen of England, but in reality she actually represents a friend, parent, relative or teacher who you feel is ruling over you.
Then, ask yourself where the dream took place?
Did the location in your dream remind you of any place you are familiar with?
Ask yourself if anything in your dream reminds you of anyone in your real life?
Ask yourself how you were feeling in the dream?
As time goes by you will get better and better with this process.
A dream that is not understood is like an unopened letter. Every night we have important messages from the unconscious. Whether we find ourselves in a car plunging down a steep slope, or piloting a plane through heavenly skies, we will do well to ask why our unconscious put us there. TALMUD
So what are dreams all about? The true meaning of our dreams and what they signify has puzzled mankind for thousands of years. In the ancient world, dreams were often considered prophetic. Homer's Iliad contains a passage where King Agamemmon is visited in his dream by a messenger from Zeus to prescribe the king's future actions.
In the Bible, the Old testament is filled with accounts of prophetic dreams. Dreams have also been viewed as nothing more than extensions of the waking state, a carry over into sleep of what a person has thought or experienced while awake. All the conflicting notions about the nature of dreams led to no definite conclusions. It is perhaps best to agree with the French writer Michel de Montaigne that "Dreams are the true interpreters of our inclinations, but art is required to sort them out..."
You can become smarter by thinking up new ideas when you sleep. Your brain is constantly at work whether you are sleeping or not. Dreams can be a part of your personal creative process. Your conscious mind may not recognize a great idea, but your subconscious could be working on it - full time - while you sleep. Some of the great literary works were conceived in this way. Robert Louis Stevenson was desperate for money and couldn't think of anything to write about. Then one night he had a dream that was the inspiration for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Elias Howe, who invented the sewing machine, dreamed a solution about how to make it work. He dreamed a tribe were throwing spears at him. The spears had a hole in the pointed tip, and they stuck point first into the ground. When he awoke, he knew he should put the hole for the thread in the pinpoint of his needle.
You can pull many answers from your subconscious while sleeping. You can sometimes find the missing pieces. Suppose something is really lost, like your car keys. You have no idea where they are. Before you go to sleep, write down something that states what you are looking for. You may find that your dreams that night will show you exactly where you misplaced the keys.
Make it a routine to jot down your dreams and study ideas that turn up, no matter how strange they may seem to you. Try to relate them to things you are working on in life. Example: You want to buy yourself a new TV but you can't afford it right now. Then you dream you've done a great job painting the living room. When you jot that down and think about it, you will realize you¹ve come up with a great idea to get the extra cash to purchase the TV. Since you're a handy person. you can do a few painting jobs for the neighbors to pay for it.
You can also influence your dreams. You don't have to wait for your dreams to provide a solution to your problems. You can directly influence them to give you more information or guidance by instructing your dream state or Blessed Higher Self to answer some specific questions as you are dozing off. Your brain can be programmed to come up with specific ideas as you sleep! Suppose you are about to give a presentation to the PTA. All your materials are together, but you feel that something is missing, and cannot seem to come up with exactly what it is.
When you go to bed, think about the presentation, and actually begin going through it as you fall asleep, bearing in mind that you are looking for some ingredient to add to it. You may dream that a slide show or guest lecturer from a local college can make your presentation even better. This missing part, or idea, was in your subconscious all the time, but you couldn¹t access it any other way except through your dreams, probably because of stress.
Always remember to sleep on it. You can use your dreams to help you solve just about any problem that is bothering you. It's easy and anyone can learn to do this. Dreaming is essential to good mental health. We all need our dreams, even if we don't understand them, even if we can¹t always analyze their messages, dreams of all kinds are still worth having. Dreaming is healthy for us.
Just because dreams are different from normal life, surprising, unusual and perhaps even bizarre or frightening, dreams make unexpected connections that we are not able to make when we are awake. We may be able to solve problems in our dreams that our self-conscious, wide-awake minds just cannot do.
To do some dream work, pick a night when you are not too tired and you have not used any alcohol or medication.
Just before bedtime, write down a problem or a question you would like to resolve.
Keep the question simple. Do not ask any questions that will have a yes or no answer.
As you begin to fall asleep, repeat the question over and over in your mind.
Many people have difficulty remembering their dreams, so when you wake up, whether in the middle of the night or the next morning, immediately write down what you have been dreaming about.
The answer to your problem will be somewhere in the content of your dream.
At first it may not appear obvious, but with a little thought, you will be able to interpret the dream and unlock the answer you are looking for.
Incubating a dream simply means targeting a dream for specific problem solving. Let's say a woman and her husband are having a difficult time in their relationship. So she begins her dream work by writing down the question, "Why are my husband and I bickering all the time?"
Then she dreams about Hillary Clinton and she thinks, what does Hillary have to do with me? The wife needs to pretend she is talking to a stranger and describe everything in her dream to that stranger. She might see that Hillary is showing that wives can be both independent and active.
The next insight may be, "I'm afraid to pursue my career because I may loose my husband. I'm afraid I'll outshine him."
Suddenly the wife realizes she is holding herself back, feeling resentful and taking in out on her husband. The more she describes Hillary, in her dream, the more she can see that it is possible to have a strong marriage and an independent career.
This dream not only explains why the woman was bickering with her husband, but it gives her a solution to the problem as well as some comfort. It is OK for you to have a career!
This method of focusing on a question is called dream incubation. Another method of using your dreams to solve problems is called lucid dreaming.
Sometimes when you are asleep and dreaming, you suddenly become aware that you are dreaming. This is called a psychic dream or lucid dream, as you split with your Etheric Double, and the double acts out in the dream, as you. If you try, you can take part in directing as to which way your dream goes.
For example, before you go to sleep, you think about your boss, a bad tempered man who is hard to talk to. Later you dream that you are being chased by an angry bear. If you realize you are dreaming you can confront the bear, who represents your boss, instead of running away from it. Talk with the bear, work out your problems, feel safe, then say good-bye. In lucid dreaming, you will conquer some real life problems, and the bear will then go away. Dreams are always trying to help us solve problems we face in waking life. By tapping into information in your dreams, you become receptive to the answers. No matter which method you choose to solve problems in your sleep, the most important thing you can learn is that the solution to your problems are often within your own head - or can be brought to you from the other dimensions. You only have to fall asleep to find your answers.
Native American cultures have long believed that nightly messages have much to do with your mental and physical health. Now a growing number of doctors agree that dreams should be taken seriously as an indication of health. Some doctors who listen to their patient's dreams, find that these dreams can provide valuable guidance in the patient¹s treatment.
Here are some common dreams that may represent some kind of health problem:
Excessive heat or fire
Excessive cold, ice or snow
Excessive fluids
Blockages - in pipes or rivers, for example
Insects or other animals that cause you to feel repulsion or disgust
Broken machines or structures
Here is an example of a health dream:
A woman found herself as a leafless tree with a froze limb. She had fractured her wrist and the break was undiagnosed. It failed to heal properly and the dream pointed her to the direction that she needed to take proper care of that injury.
Aristotle believed that dreams were an early warning system for illness, and recent studies show that he may have been right. Think of a dream as a message from your unconscious. The mind picks up body messages, physical sensations, that we perhaps have been too busy to make note of while we are awake, or may dismiss as to minor to pay attention to. Our dreams can pass this information along to us. They tell us to pay attention to some important part of our life. It may be a message from an organ deep in the abdomen, or from a blood vessel that is straining to stay open. The message may come to us in code, and when we dream, we break the code to understand the message.
Dreams of Pregnancy. Some women dream they are pregnant before it has been confirmed and way before it is possible to detect a fetal heartbeat. Their bodies know what is happening and the dream will simply pass on the message. One scientific journal reported that a woman with rheumatoid arthritis dreamed that her arms were bound in a straightjacket. her illness then flared up. Sometime later she dreamed she fell on ice, but got up easily. Shortly after that her illness subsided.
If our dreams can tell us that an illness is developing in our bodies even before we experience the symptoms, or before our doctors can detect signs of the illness, then it is possible to use our dreams to get treatment earlier, and improve our chances of recovery.
Research is just beginning - through the acceptance of complimentary or alternative medicine - on whether dreams have diagnostic validity and can even predict the course an illness will take.
Females experience more psychic dreams than males, in which they see future events, and their forecasts are accurate more often than men's.
What can you do when terror strikes in your dreams? Just as everyone has dreams, everyone also has some nightmares. Studies indicate that nightmares are twice as common among adults than sleep researchers once thought. In fact the average person has one bad dream about every two weeks, unless they meditate a lot. Nightmares have been defined as dreams that frighten, sadden or upset the dreamer.
Some prescription drugs, such as tranquilizers, barbiturates and blood-pressure medications can cause bad dreams. Most people do not require professional help to handle nightmares. There are simpler ways to get at these bad dreams. If the nightmare becomes so intense and painful that you fear going to bed at night, it may be time to consult a doctor.
Here¹s What To Do:Jot down your nightmareAs soon as you can, describe your bad dream on paper, including as much detail as you can. If you are being chased, write down how the chase starts, whether your pursuer looks like anybody you know, and how the nightmare ends.
Decide to change the nightmare - or go back into the dream.Think carefully about how you would like to change your dream. If the dream ends with you being chased off a cliff, attach a parachute to your back, or have Superman catch you.
Imagine the new sequenceClose your eyes, relax, and play back the dream in your mind. This time use the new plot. You are chased off the edge of a cliff you fall, and a parachute opens or Superman catches you. See yourself landing safely.
Practice for two weeksFor a few minutes every day for two weeks, mentally rehearse the altered version of the dream. By doing this, you are imprinting a new image in your mind, and letting this seep into our subconscious. A bit of self-hypnosis.
Enjoy your nightmare free sleepYou should see a marked improvement within these two weeks. As the nightmares diminish, you can use your dream rehearsals less and less and the nightmares will disappear for good.
Nightmares can be good for you as far as unearthing your hidden fears. This will allow you to resolve some of the conflicts in your life. Sometime we may be more troubled than we realize, and these nightmares, when we look carefully, can help us to identify exactly what is bothering us. It may be a buried memory from your past, or a present life situation or person. As you work to understand your nightmares, the thing that was troubling you can be brought from the subconscious to your conscious mind, and you van recognize it and begin to deal with it.
Author: Elizabeth Joyce
Dreams help us to work out our problems and concerns. Many people think that our brain sleeps when our body sleeps, but this is not the case. When the body rests, the brain spends much of the night dreaming as it swells in the Theta and Delta states, which can be detected on a bio-rhythm machine. The stories within our dreams are messages we need to absorb for our own good and more than likely a direction to take to solve a current problem or concern. We can learn their meaning if we pay attention to our dreams. Some simple techniques can put your brain power to work for you while you sleep, and then help you to recall your dreams so you can benefit from them when awake. It is always best to keep a dream journal, at your bedside, with a pen, so you can make notes as you are awakened by these dreams.
Dreams can reveal a rich inner life waiting to be discovered. In a dream state, we can put our life force to work and solve many problems that seem insurmountable when we are awake. That is because there are no emotions involved. No guard up. When we dream, we connect with our Blessed Higher Self and Spirit Guides, through our energy system. This is done at the basic cellular level. For example, we can receive important messages about our health and well being long before a disease appears on the body or a doctor has to be called. Dreams can also spice up your sex life. Basically dreams bring understanding, problem solving, and may give clues to our future.
Follow the Dream If one advances in the direction of his dreams, he will meet with success unsuspected in waking hours.
In ancient times it was thought that dreams were messages from the gods or from demons. Priests were the only people skilled enough to interpret these dreams. People would travel far distances to visit a temple and get a reading of their dreams. The readings would show guidance on health, wealth, war, peace. or whether next year's crops would be plentiful.
One of the oldest books known to man is the Bible, which mentions more than 700 dreams, all showing an important connection to the lives, problems and well-being of the ancient Tribes of Israel.
In the new testament, Joseph was cautioned by a dream to flee to Egypt with Mary and the baby Jesus to avoid the coming wrath of Herod. The Wise Men were also warned in a dream to return home another way, avoid returning to Herod, which would keep them out of danger.
Perhaps the most famous Biblical dream is the story of another Joseph, whose brothers, jealous of his understanding of dreams and his coat of many colors, sold him into slavery in Egypt. Later, after interpreting the Pharaoh¹s dream of the seven fat cattle and the seven lean cattle as a prophetic dream of a famine yet to come, Joseph became governor of Egypt. That was when he confronted, and forgave, his brothers.
As time went on, people began to think that events in the real world caused dreams. Someone wearing a damp nightshirt would dream about water. Someone who ate too much at dinner would have a nightmare. We know now that outside factors such as noise or cold can enter your consciousness and affect small details in a dream, but have little to do with the main content of the dream.
Then Sigmund Freud, in the 1930's, the most famous psychoanalyst of the 20th Century caused a revolution when he said that dreams are created from images, memories, thoughts, wishes and fears that are stored within a person's brain. He used dream interpretation when treating his patients.
Carl Jung added to this new approach by saying that dreams are a tool for learning more about ourselves and help us to achieve our full potential. He thought the same images appear in many people's dreams because there is a collective unconsciousness in which we all share basic knowledge, even though we come from different cultures and speak different languages.
The actual study of physiology (or biology) of dreams began when a researcher at the University of Chicago checked on his sleeping son and noticed that the child¹s eyes, though closed. were moving back and fourth. This is called REM movement, and can be noticed easily in cats. It is thought that when the REM movement is present. a person is dreaming.
We spend two of every twenty four hours dreaming each day, which can add up to more than five years during a lifetime.
You don't have to analyze your dreams for them to be of help to you. the mere fact that you dream is good for you, and will help to keep your life in balance. In experiments, people who constantly wake up while they are dreaming develop serious psychological problems, we all need to dream, and it is an important part of the life process, as much as eating or drinking. However, many people feel that figuring out the meaning of their dreams gives them a richer understanding of their lives.
Your dreams can tell you what you are really feeling about your mate, your job, your parents, children, financial situation or your past and also help guide you as to what you may really want - what the Soul needs - in your future. The more you practice becoming aware of your dreams, the better you will become in remembering them as well as recording them. If your company is having layoffs, and you dreams about a collapsing building or a sinking lifeboat, you'll figure out exactly where your anxiety lies, and can begin preparing by sending out an updated resume.
The most important thing to know is this, you are the best person to figure out your dreams! There are many dream books that tell you meanings, and when one rings true for you from within, that is the way to go.
The first step to deciphering your dreams is to write them down - keep a dream journal. By writing your dreams down and making a regular effort to remember them, you will begin to recall them in more detail. You will be surprised as how good you will get if you follow this routine.
Begin by writing down the date of each dream. Allow free flowing thought to atake over.
Give your dream a title, so you can easily find the reference again.
Write down as much detail as possible concerning each dream.
Write in the present tense, not in the past tense, and don¹t worry about grammar or punctuation. this is only for your eyes.
Now, suppose you wake up and know you dreamed something about a car. Try to recall as many details as you can along with any feelings you may have had in the dream. What color was the car? Were you driving?
The dream dictionary tells you the car is a symbol of your body and show if you have your life under control. This could be connected to your self-image, your personality, the freedom to come and go as you wish, or your drive for success. Ask yourself some questions about your dream.
Was the car damages or dented? This could mean some poor self-esteem. Also, check your health.
Are you in the driver¹s seat? Whoever is driving the car is in control of your life. If you are in the back seat, you are allowing others to manage your life.
Was the air conditioner working? You may be feeling smothered, or may need to check the condition of your lungs, especially if you smoke.
Did the breaks fail? This connects with will power, discipline, overspending, and suggests you need to slow down.
Did you run out of gas? Check yourself - are you out of energy? Do you need vitamin supplements? Do you need some R&R or a vacation?
Now you can begin to see how to bring the details of the dream to light if you ask yourself questions about your dream. Sometimes it is easy to remember a dream, if it was a very powerful one or a happy one. Sometimes remembering can become difficult, especially if you tend to jump right out of bed in the morning to begin your daily routine, without meditation or contemplation.
Here are some tips to improve dream recall:
Tell yourself several times during the day that you intend to remember your dreams. This is called setting a condition. Then, just before you fall asleep, when you are relaxed, tell yourself, "I will remember my dreams when I wake up in the morning."
Place an object with a scent, a bag of herbs or sachet, near your bed. Associating the scent with dreaming may trigger some dream recall.
Keep your Dream Journal next to your bed. Just knowing it is there will help. You may need to use it in the middle of the night!
Drink a glass of water before retiring. Avoid drugs or alcohol as they tend to repress REM sleep.
If you are trying to work out a problem, write it down just before you go to sleep. then ask your Higher Self to work with you in finding a solution.
When morning comes - as you awaken - don't move! Don't even open your eyes. Hang on to the energies of the night. Lie still for a moment and concentrate on recalling your dreams. Try to remember how they felt. The mood of the dream may still be with you.
Even if you recall only a small chunk of the dream, write it down anyway. Ask yourself who was in you dream. Did the people remind you of anyone? Bear in mind that things in a dream can often be disguised, as a person in a dream may not be the person you will deal with in reality. For example, you may dream about the Queen of England, but in reality she actually represents a friend, parent, relative or teacher who you feel is ruling over you.
Then, ask yourself where the dream took place?
Did the location in your dream remind you of any place you are familiar with?
Ask yourself if anything in your dream reminds you of anyone in your real life?
Ask yourself how you were feeling in the dream?
As time goes by you will get better and better with this process.
A dream that is not understood is like an unopened letter. Every night we have important messages from the unconscious. Whether we find ourselves in a car plunging down a steep slope, or piloting a plane through heavenly skies, we will do well to ask why our unconscious put us there. TALMUD
So what are dreams all about? The true meaning of our dreams and what they signify has puzzled mankind for thousands of years. In the ancient world, dreams were often considered prophetic. Homer's Iliad contains a passage where King Agamemmon is visited in his dream by a messenger from Zeus to prescribe the king's future actions.
In the Bible, the Old testament is filled with accounts of prophetic dreams. Dreams have also been viewed as nothing more than extensions of the waking state, a carry over into sleep of what a person has thought or experienced while awake. All the conflicting notions about the nature of dreams led to no definite conclusions. It is perhaps best to agree with the French writer Michel de Montaigne that "Dreams are the true interpreters of our inclinations, but art is required to sort them out..."
You can become smarter by thinking up new ideas when you sleep. Your brain is constantly at work whether you are sleeping or not. Dreams can be a part of your personal creative process. Your conscious mind may not recognize a great idea, but your subconscious could be working on it - full time - while you sleep. Some of the great literary works were conceived in this way. Robert Louis Stevenson was desperate for money and couldn't think of anything to write about. Then one night he had a dream that was the inspiration for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Elias Howe, who invented the sewing machine, dreamed a solution about how to make it work. He dreamed a tribe were throwing spears at him. The spears had a hole in the pointed tip, and they stuck point first into the ground. When he awoke, he knew he should put the hole for the thread in the pinpoint of his needle.
You can pull many answers from your subconscious while sleeping. You can sometimes find the missing pieces. Suppose something is really lost, like your car keys. You have no idea where they are. Before you go to sleep, write down something that states what you are looking for. You may find that your dreams that night will show you exactly where you misplaced the keys.
Make it a routine to jot down your dreams and study ideas that turn up, no matter how strange they may seem to you. Try to relate them to things you are working on in life. Example: You want to buy yourself a new TV but you can't afford it right now. Then you dream you've done a great job painting the living room. When you jot that down and think about it, you will realize you¹ve come up with a great idea to get the extra cash to purchase the TV. Since you're a handy person. you can do a few painting jobs for the neighbors to pay for it.
You can also influence your dreams. You don't have to wait for your dreams to provide a solution to your problems. You can directly influence them to give you more information or guidance by instructing your dream state or Blessed Higher Self to answer some specific questions as you are dozing off. Your brain can be programmed to come up with specific ideas as you sleep! Suppose you are about to give a presentation to the PTA. All your materials are together, but you feel that something is missing, and cannot seem to come up with exactly what it is.
When you go to bed, think about the presentation, and actually begin going through it as you fall asleep, bearing in mind that you are looking for some ingredient to add to it. You may dream that a slide show or guest lecturer from a local college can make your presentation even better. This missing part, or idea, was in your subconscious all the time, but you couldn¹t access it any other way except through your dreams, probably because of stress.
Always remember to sleep on it. You can use your dreams to help you solve just about any problem that is bothering you. It's easy and anyone can learn to do this. Dreaming is essential to good mental health. We all need our dreams, even if we don't understand them, even if we can¹t always analyze their messages, dreams of all kinds are still worth having. Dreaming is healthy for us.
Just because dreams are different from normal life, surprising, unusual and perhaps even bizarre or frightening, dreams make unexpected connections that we are not able to make when we are awake. We may be able to solve problems in our dreams that our self-conscious, wide-awake minds just cannot do.
To do some dream work, pick a night when you are not too tired and you have not used any alcohol or medication.
Just before bedtime, write down a problem or a question you would like to resolve.
Keep the question simple. Do not ask any questions that will have a yes or no answer.
As you begin to fall asleep, repeat the question over and over in your mind.
Many people have difficulty remembering their dreams, so when you wake up, whether in the middle of the night or the next morning, immediately write down what you have been dreaming about.
The answer to your problem will be somewhere in the content of your dream.
At first it may not appear obvious, but with a little thought, you will be able to interpret the dream and unlock the answer you are looking for.
Incubating a dream simply means targeting a dream for specific problem solving. Let's say a woman and her husband are having a difficult time in their relationship. So she begins her dream work by writing down the question, "Why are my husband and I bickering all the time?"
Then she dreams about Hillary Clinton and she thinks, what does Hillary have to do with me? The wife needs to pretend she is talking to a stranger and describe everything in her dream to that stranger. She might see that Hillary is showing that wives can be both independent and active.
The next insight may be, "I'm afraid to pursue my career because I may loose my husband. I'm afraid I'll outshine him."
Suddenly the wife realizes she is holding herself back, feeling resentful and taking in out on her husband. The more she describes Hillary, in her dream, the more she can see that it is possible to have a strong marriage and an independent career.
This dream not only explains why the woman was bickering with her husband, but it gives her a solution to the problem as well as some comfort. It is OK for you to have a career!
This method of focusing on a question is called dream incubation. Another method of using your dreams to solve problems is called lucid dreaming.
Sometimes when you are asleep and dreaming, you suddenly become aware that you are dreaming. This is called a psychic dream or lucid dream, as you split with your Etheric Double, and the double acts out in the dream, as you. If you try, you can take part in directing as to which way your dream goes.
For example, before you go to sleep, you think about your boss, a bad tempered man who is hard to talk to. Later you dream that you are being chased by an angry bear. If you realize you are dreaming you can confront the bear, who represents your boss, instead of running away from it. Talk with the bear, work out your problems, feel safe, then say good-bye. In lucid dreaming, you will conquer some real life problems, and the bear will then go away. Dreams are always trying to help us solve problems we face in waking life. By tapping into information in your dreams, you become receptive to the answers. No matter which method you choose to solve problems in your sleep, the most important thing you can learn is that the solution to your problems are often within your own head - or can be brought to you from the other dimensions. You only have to fall asleep to find your answers.
Native American cultures have long believed that nightly messages have much to do with your mental and physical health. Now a growing number of doctors agree that dreams should be taken seriously as an indication of health. Some doctors who listen to their patient's dreams, find that these dreams can provide valuable guidance in the patient¹s treatment.
Here are some common dreams that may represent some kind of health problem:
Excessive heat or fire
Excessive cold, ice or snow
Excessive fluids
Blockages - in pipes or rivers, for example
Insects or other animals that cause you to feel repulsion or disgust
Broken machines or structures
Here is an example of a health dream:
A woman found herself as a leafless tree with a froze limb. She had fractured her wrist and the break was undiagnosed. It failed to heal properly and the dream pointed her to the direction that she needed to take proper care of that injury.
Aristotle believed that dreams were an early warning system for illness, and recent studies show that he may have been right. Think of a dream as a message from your unconscious. The mind picks up body messages, physical sensations, that we perhaps have been too busy to make note of while we are awake, or may dismiss as to minor to pay attention to. Our dreams can pass this information along to us. They tell us to pay attention to some important part of our life. It may be a message from an organ deep in the abdomen, or from a blood vessel that is straining to stay open. The message may come to us in code, and when we dream, we break the code to understand the message.
Dreams of Pregnancy. Some women dream they are pregnant before it has been confirmed and way before it is possible to detect a fetal heartbeat. Their bodies know what is happening and the dream will simply pass on the message. One scientific journal reported that a woman with rheumatoid arthritis dreamed that her arms were bound in a straightjacket. her illness then flared up. Sometime later she dreamed she fell on ice, but got up easily. Shortly after that her illness subsided.
If our dreams can tell us that an illness is developing in our bodies even before we experience the symptoms, or before our doctors can detect signs of the illness, then it is possible to use our dreams to get treatment earlier, and improve our chances of recovery.
Research is just beginning - through the acceptance of complimentary or alternative medicine - on whether dreams have diagnostic validity and can even predict the course an illness will take.
Females experience more psychic dreams than males, in which they see future events, and their forecasts are accurate more often than men's.
What can you do when terror strikes in your dreams? Just as everyone has dreams, everyone also has some nightmares. Studies indicate that nightmares are twice as common among adults than sleep researchers once thought. In fact the average person has one bad dream about every two weeks, unless they meditate a lot. Nightmares have been defined as dreams that frighten, sadden or upset the dreamer.
Some prescription drugs, such as tranquilizers, barbiturates and blood-pressure medications can cause bad dreams. Most people do not require professional help to handle nightmares. There are simpler ways to get at these bad dreams. If the nightmare becomes so intense and painful that you fear going to bed at night, it may be time to consult a doctor.
Here¹s What To Do:Jot down your nightmareAs soon as you can, describe your bad dream on paper, including as much detail as you can. If you are being chased, write down how the chase starts, whether your pursuer looks like anybody you know, and how the nightmare ends.
Decide to change the nightmare - or go back into the dream.Think carefully about how you would like to change your dream. If the dream ends with you being chased off a cliff, attach a parachute to your back, or have Superman catch you.
Imagine the new sequenceClose your eyes, relax, and play back the dream in your mind. This time use the new plot. You are chased off the edge of a cliff you fall, and a parachute opens or Superman catches you. See yourself landing safely.
Practice for two weeksFor a few minutes every day for two weeks, mentally rehearse the altered version of the dream. By doing this, you are imprinting a new image in your mind, and letting this seep into our subconscious. A bit of self-hypnosis.
Enjoy your nightmare free sleepYou should see a marked improvement within these two weeks. As the nightmares diminish, you can use your dream rehearsals less and less and the nightmares will disappear for good.
Nightmares can be good for you as far as unearthing your hidden fears. This will allow you to resolve some of the conflicts in your life. Sometime we may be more troubled than we realize, and these nightmares, when we look carefully, can help us to identify exactly what is bothering us. It may be a buried memory from your past, or a present life situation or person. As you work to understand your nightmares, the thing that was troubling you can be brought from the subconscious to your conscious mind, and you van recognize it and begin to deal with it.
Author: Elizabeth Joyce
Dream interpretation,
Affirmations for Self-Actualization And Spiritual Growth
I accept myself, others and the natural world just as we are and without any judgment.
My acceptance of and benevolence, affection and friendliness towardseveryone demonstrates a greater love than others think possible.
I am free of fears and inhibitions.
I realistically see the truth, free of distortion by fears, in all areas of my life and I am comfortable with it.
I learn from everyone and accept all as my equal.
I avoid harming anyone with my thoughts, words and actions.
I use humor only as a means of elevating human consciousness.
I transcend my culture and environment and seek long term improvement of both.
I see the commonality in polar opposites, which dissipates any apparent conflict between them.
I am an original thinker and my thoughts are free from conventional wisdom.
My uniqueness results in original, inventive and uninhibited ways of interacting with life.
I live fully in the present moment.
Life is good and I appreciate that every moment is thrilling, transcendent and spiritual.
I accept complete responsibility for myself, my behavior and my experiences.
I am serene in the midst of chaos, confusion and personal misfortune.
I rely on myself for happiness, rather than on responses from society or others.
My ethics are of my own conscious choosing, rather than adopted from others.
My life mission is: focused on problems outside myself, the source of my energy, and my reason for existence.
Fulfilling my mission keeps me at peace and free from worry.
I am transformed in my daily life by frequent peak experiences which fill me with ecstasy, awe and the vision of limitless horizons.
I am motivated to continually grow.
I use all my experiences as learning opportunities to accelerate my personal growth.
I am self-actualized as I actively explore the truth of myself.
Keep your affirmations and targets confidential unless you are part of a team aimed at the same target, if so make sure your team knows them.
Write 1 complete affirmation on each 3x5 card, commit your emotions to paper.
Start with the three affirmations that are most true for you now and the three affirmations that are least true for you now.
As one of those affirmations becomes true for your daily life, and one of the affirmations that is not yet fully true for you.
Schedule 1 minute for each affirmation and do the following affirmation process when you wake up in morning and just before you got to bed at night:
-relax (take 3 to 4 slow deep breaths)
-read the affirmation aloud with as much emotion as possible
-repeat the affirmation 7 times
-close your eyes and vividly visualize the experience of its accomplishment
-feel the emotions and continue to experience the situation for 20 to30 seconds for the brain to imprint
-repeat this process for each affirmation
My acceptance of and benevolence, affection and friendliness towardseveryone demonstrates a greater love than others think possible.
I am free of fears and inhibitions.
I realistically see the truth, free of distortion by fears, in all areas of my life and I am comfortable with it.
I learn from everyone and accept all as my equal.
I avoid harming anyone with my thoughts, words and actions.
I use humor only as a means of elevating human consciousness.
I transcend my culture and environment and seek long term improvement of both.
I see the commonality in polar opposites, which dissipates any apparent conflict between them.
I am an original thinker and my thoughts are free from conventional wisdom.
My uniqueness results in original, inventive and uninhibited ways of interacting with life.
I live fully in the present moment.
Life is good and I appreciate that every moment is thrilling, transcendent and spiritual.
I accept complete responsibility for myself, my behavior and my experiences.
I am serene in the midst of chaos, confusion and personal misfortune.
I rely on myself for happiness, rather than on responses from society or others.
My ethics are of my own conscious choosing, rather than adopted from others.
My life mission is: focused on problems outside myself, the source of my energy, and my reason for existence.
Fulfilling my mission keeps me at peace and free from worry.
I am transformed in my daily life by frequent peak experiences which fill me with ecstasy, awe and the vision of limitless horizons.
I am motivated to continually grow.
I use all my experiences as learning opportunities to accelerate my personal growth.
I am self-actualized as I actively explore the truth of myself.
Keep your affirmations and targets confidential unless you are part of a team aimed at the same target, if so make sure your team knows them.
Write 1 complete affirmation on each 3x5 card, commit your emotions to paper.
Start with the three affirmations that are most true for you now and the three affirmations that are least true for you now.
As one of those affirmations becomes true for your daily life, and one of the affirmations that is not yet fully true for you.
Schedule 1 minute for each affirmation and do the following affirmation process when you wake up in morning and just before you got to bed at night:
-relax (take 3 to 4 slow deep breaths)
-read the affirmation aloud with as much emotion as possible
-repeat the affirmation 7 times
-close your eyes and vividly visualize the experience of its accomplishment
-feel the emotions and continue to experience the situation for 20 to30 seconds for the brain to imprint
-repeat this process for each affirmation
Golden Eagles, Connecting with Your Contentment and Free Stuff :)
Hi everyone,
What a wonderful day. The sun is leaving warm kisses all over my skin and the sky is blue with a few white cotton candy clouds painted on for our enjoyment. I even had the blessing of watching a golden eagle circling overhead sharing its wisdom with anyone willing to notice! What an amazing and connecting experience!
These types of experiences always give me the feeling of contentment. A feeling that everything is OK, and that all is as it should be. Don't you love when you get to that place? Even if for a minute?
What experience have you had that brought you to that place of contentment?
Think about how you felt in that moment. Connect to that feeling. Feel it all through your body. Be the feeling.
Now look at things...they seem a bit different, right?
Oh and being in a contented place I thought I would share a website that I absolutely love with you...hopefully you will enjoy.
They have free readings and membership. You can even get your own personal horoscope delivered free! This is not just your sunsign! Click on the link below and enjoy!
Free Membership & Readings
What a wonderful day. The sun is leaving warm kisses all over my skin and the sky is blue with a few white cotton candy clouds painted on for our enjoyment. I even had the blessing of watching a golden eagle circling overhead sharing its wisdom with anyone willing to notice! What an amazing and connecting experience!
These types of experiences always give me the feeling of contentment. A feeling that everything is OK, and that all is as it should be. Don't you love when you get to that place? Even if for a minute?
What experience have you had that brought you to that place of contentment?
Think about how you felt in that moment. Connect to that feeling. Feel it all through your body. Be the feeling.
Now look at things...they seem a bit different, right?
Oh and being in a contented place I thought I would share a website that I absolutely love with you...hopefully you will enjoy.
They have free readings and membership. You can even get your own personal horoscope delivered free! This is not just your sunsign! Click on the link below and enjoy!
Free Membership & Readings
Free astrology,
free horoscope
Friday, January 16, 2009
Hypnotherapy Changed The Way I See Life...For the Better!
As I sat down to answer e-mail tonight I noticed my music player was the first program greeting me on the screen. I forgot that earlier today I took a bit of time to get my creative juices flowing by listening to a day (meaning that you can still be active and listen to the session no matter what you are doing...even while driving) hypnosis session for overcoming writers block.
It made me think about how long I have been using hypnosis CDs and MP3s it's been over 5 years. I have to say, looking back they have really made huge changes in my thought patterns and beliefs! And over all in all areas of my life.
My computer is full of sessions for everything from Motivation to Past Life Regression. With self improvement fresh on my mind I thought I would share with you my favorite Hypnotherapy Professionals and a few of their products that have helped me in growing and changing into the person I want to be.
When I was dipping my toe into the water the first person I found was Wendi. She is amazing!
Click here to check out Wendi's site and products
What I like specifically about her is that she has a soothing voice and an upbeat personality. Her induction to the hypnosis is unique and fanciful. And really gets you focused on listening to her voice and following her instructions.
If pressed to pick my favorite I would choose the winding path on a tropical island induction. Wendi is well known for her sessions on Overcoming Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Stopping Smoking and Loosing Weight. I have to say I haven't tried any of these but with the success of the sessions I do have I would venture to say that these are as good if not better (I mean she is known for these things).
The second practitioner, Steve, is my absolute favorite at the moment. Not only does he have innovative products, but he has an amazingly soothing voice that is easy to listen to and he runs amazing 24 hour sales to his e-mail list. His sessions are betrween 30 and 90 minutes long. And did I mention Steve even works with the mukity mucks in the business world and Major Stars!
His products are 100% worth the full price...but in this economy, a discount is always appreciated, even more so when it is at 85% lower than the regular price! :)
Click here to check out Steve's site, products and Sales!
Onto the Sessions!
Everything listed below I have used myself and recommend 200%!
Attract Your Soul Mate: Focus on the soul mate that you really want, and learn how to manifest that love.
Speed Up Your Metabolism: Increases the rate at which your body burns fat.
Let Go of Your Past: The memories that used to make you angry, depressed, annoyed or sad will now trigger good feelings.
Find Your Dream: A unique method to explore your life purpose and to find what you are truly meant to be.
Chakra Tune Up: If you are feeling stuck and need a cleansing, why not cleanse your chakras?
Future Vision: Journey on a time line of the future to find wisdom in a future Experience
Dream Programing: Program your dreams to enhance your life.
Lucky You!: Bring better luck into your life.
Personal Magnetism: The title says it all!
Circle of Excellence: What you think, you become.
Good Posture: Create better posture.
Bullet Proof: Unshakable Belief in yourself.
Core Confidence: Amazing confidence to help you achieve your goals.
The Power Experience: This program puts you in an experience of power.
Parallel World: Helps you see your life in a different light.
Conscious Creation: Create your life the way you want it to be.
No More Anger: Helps to release anger.
Anger into Power: Helps you transform paralizing anger into your strength to live the life you want.
Release Negative Anchors: Thoughts related to past experience that keep coming up are reprogramed.
Depression Buster: Helps you move past depression.
Release the Past: Live in the now release the chains of the past.
Body Sculpting: Create the body you've always wanted.
Temple of Wisdom: Helps you see the right answer for you in any experience.
Love to Exercise: The title says it all!
Parts Therapy: Zero in on those parts you dislike and change your thoughts and the part.
What to Say When You Talk To Yourself: Creating positive thoughts and beliefs.
Physical Healing: Healing your body.
Emotional Healing: Healing your mind.
Fountain of Youth: Feel years younger!
Wisdom Light: Spiritual wisdom.
Meet Your Soul Mate: Helps you attract your soul mate.
Commitment: Fear of commitment? Not any longer! :)
Steve: (Click on the titles to go to Steve's Site)
Zodiac Subliminal (for both my sun & moon sign): Enhances the traits of the astrological signs you want in your life. I have the Scorpio & Pisces programs.
Radiant Health: Within three weeks, you will feel better, look great and be ready to tackle the world!
Love Magnet: We all want to attract our soul mate/twin mate...right? :)
Forgive: Helps you forgive yourself and others.
Drama: Defeat drama causing thoughts and actions. It also helps you stay away from harmful relationships.
Listen: Learn to listen to people instead of just hearing them. Focus on key points, remember facts, names and places.
Young at Heart: Slows the aging process, feel and look vibrant & youthful.
Pain Management: Speeds up the recovery process. (He also offers Cancer Pain Relief, Natural Child Birth, just to name a few)
Fear of Success: Learn to overcome your fears and work on becoming a successful person
Immediate Success: Reach your goals!
Fear of Criticism: Get past your fear of criticism and reach for the moon!
ESP Development: Tap into your subconscious and hone your extra sensory perception.
Wealth Creation: Increase money-making motivation. - Reduce debt and begin saving - Boost your Confidence level and Self Esteem. (Covers-Wealth, Abundance & Success)
Past Life Regression: Find out about your past lives.
Motivation: Motivation, goal-setting, self improvement and confidence.
Creativity: Unlock, explore and develop your natural creativity.
Astral Projection: Allows you to safely travel anywhere you choose.
12 Strand DNA Activation: Acheive inner peace and harmony, and healing.
Deep Relaxation: Totally relax your body and mind naturally.
As you can see from some of the titles...I used to be a completely different person. I knew I wanted to make changes..and for years I floundered until I heard a radio interveiw with Wendi on Coast to Coast. I thought...I've tried everything I know, so what will it hurt? I can say that 5 years later looking back over the path up to this point. That first order was the best choice of my life!
Both Wendi & Steve have sessions on anything and everything, I promise they will have a session on what you want and need...if not they are open to suggestions on creating a new programs. Seeing that they both have hundreds and hundreds of programs each, I'm thinking they will have it.
Please come back and let me know your thoughts on the programs if and when you decide to try them out. I sware you will see the changes each and every day!
It made me think about how long I have been using hypnosis CDs and MP3s it's been over 5 years. I have to say, looking back they have really made huge changes in my thought patterns and beliefs! And over all in all areas of my life.
My computer is full of sessions for everything from Motivation to Past Life Regression. With self improvement fresh on my mind I thought I would share with you my favorite Hypnotherapy Professionals and a few of their products that have helped me in growing and changing into the person I want to be.
When I was dipping my toe into the water the first person I found was Wendi. She is amazing!
Click here to check out Wendi's site and products
What I like specifically about her is that she has a soothing voice and an upbeat personality. Her induction to the hypnosis is unique and fanciful. And really gets you focused on listening to her voice and following her instructions.
If pressed to pick my favorite I would choose the winding path on a tropical island induction. Wendi is well known for her sessions on Overcoming Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Stopping Smoking and Loosing Weight. I have to say I haven't tried any of these but with the success of the sessions I do have I would venture to say that these are as good if not better (I mean she is known for these things).
The second practitioner, Steve, is my absolute favorite at the moment. Not only does he have innovative products, but he has an amazingly soothing voice that is easy to listen to and he runs amazing 24 hour sales to his e-mail list. His sessions are betrween 30 and 90 minutes long. And did I mention Steve even works with the mukity mucks in the business world and Major Stars!
His products are 100% worth the full price...but in this economy, a discount is always appreciated, even more so when it is at 85% lower than the regular price! :)
Click here to check out Steve's site, products and Sales!
Onto the Sessions!
Everything listed below I have used myself and recommend 200%!
Attract Your Soul Mate: Focus on the soul mate that you really want, and learn how to manifest that love.
Speed Up Your Metabolism: Increases the rate at which your body burns fat.
Let Go of Your Past: The memories that used to make you angry, depressed, annoyed or sad will now trigger good feelings.
Find Your Dream: A unique method to explore your life purpose and to find what you are truly meant to be.
Chakra Tune Up: If you are feeling stuck and need a cleansing, why not cleanse your chakras?
Future Vision: Journey on a time line of the future to find wisdom in a future Experience
Dream Programing: Program your dreams to enhance your life.
Lucky You!: Bring better luck into your life.
Personal Magnetism: The title says it all!
Circle of Excellence: What you think, you become.
Good Posture: Create better posture.
Bullet Proof: Unshakable Belief in yourself.
Core Confidence: Amazing confidence to help you achieve your goals.
The Power Experience: This program puts you in an experience of power.
Parallel World: Helps you see your life in a different light.
Conscious Creation: Create your life the way you want it to be.
No More Anger: Helps to release anger.
Anger into Power: Helps you transform paralizing anger into your strength to live the life you want.
Release Negative Anchors: Thoughts related to past experience that keep coming up are reprogramed.
Depression Buster: Helps you move past depression.
Release the Past: Live in the now release the chains of the past.
Body Sculpting: Create the body you've always wanted.
Temple of Wisdom: Helps you see the right answer for you in any experience.
Love to Exercise: The title says it all!
Parts Therapy: Zero in on those parts you dislike and change your thoughts and the part.
What to Say When You Talk To Yourself: Creating positive thoughts and beliefs.
Physical Healing: Healing your body.
Emotional Healing: Healing your mind.
Fountain of Youth: Feel years younger!
Wisdom Light: Spiritual wisdom.
Meet Your Soul Mate: Helps you attract your soul mate.
Commitment: Fear of commitment? Not any longer! :)
Steve: (Click on the titles to go to Steve's Site)
Zodiac Subliminal (for both my sun & moon sign): Enhances the traits of the astrological signs you want in your life. I have the Scorpio & Pisces programs.
Radiant Health: Within three weeks, you will feel better, look great and be ready to tackle the world!
Love Magnet: We all want to attract our soul mate/twin mate...right? :)
Forgive: Helps you forgive yourself and others.
Drama: Defeat drama causing thoughts and actions. It also helps you stay away from harmful relationships.
Listen: Learn to listen to people instead of just hearing them. Focus on key points, remember facts, names and places.
Young at Heart: Slows the aging process, feel and look vibrant & youthful.
Pain Management: Speeds up the recovery process. (He also offers Cancer Pain Relief, Natural Child Birth, just to name a few)
Fear of Success: Learn to overcome your fears and work on becoming a successful person
Immediate Success: Reach your goals!
Fear of Criticism: Get past your fear of criticism and reach for the moon!
ESP Development: Tap into your subconscious and hone your extra sensory perception.
Wealth Creation: Increase money-making motivation. - Reduce debt and begin saving - Boost your Confidence level and Self Esteem. (Covers-Wealth, Abundance & Success)
Past Life Regression: Find out about your past lives.
Motivation: Motivation, goal-setting, self improvement and confidence.
Creativity: Unlock, explore and develop your natural creativity.
Astral Projection: Allows you to safely travel anywhere you choose.
12 Strand DNA Activation: Acheive inner peace and harmony, and healing.
Deep Relaxation: Totally relax your body and mind naturally.
As you can see from some of the titles...I used to be a completely different person. I knew I wanted to make changes..and for years I floundered until I heard a radio interveiw with Wendi on Coast to Coast. I thought...I've tried everything I know, so what will it hurt? I can say that 5 years later looking back over the path up to this point. That first order was the best choice of my life!
Both Wendi & Steve have sessions on anything and everything, I promise they will have a session on what you want and need...if not they are open to suggestions on creating a new programs. Seeing that they both have hundreds and hundreds of programs each, I'm thinking they will have it.
Please come back and let me know your thoughts on the programs if and when you decide to try them out. I sware you will see the changes each and every day!
Saturn Retrograde..Time to Set Your Foundation for the Future!

Saturn turned retrograde on the last day of 2008 in the sign of Virgo. Be ready to feel that energy in some way. This motion will turn direct May 2, 2009.
Below is a little of what to work on and look for in the following months.
Saturn's charge is teaching us our life lessons -- in Saturn we have the ability to succeed and the power and the ability to stick with the tasks we have on our plate. It also helps us to grow and persevere.
As we take on a learning or growth experience we are rewarded by Saturn when we have ingrained that lesson in our spirit.
Saturn retrograde is a powerful energy. Saturn retrograde excellent time to bring projects to completion, and to release of old beliefs, issues and blocks. By letting go of these things, you can reach for today and the future without feelings of limit. So we can bound into the future with a sense of confidence and excitement!
This is the time to start spreading the cement of your wants, taking the steps that lead to the launch you are building to. But not the Launch itself (take the baby steps needed to lead to what you are moving toward, your flight.) be it a business, relationship, self transformation, any endevor you are looking towards. Especially with the Virgo energy involved in this retrograde.
With the energy you have placed into your foundation now, you will start to see the changes taking place towards your goal when Saturn turns direct in May 2009.
Here is to an amazing year ahead!
Below is a little of what to work on and look for in the following months.
Saturn's charge is teaching us our life lessons -- in Saturn we have the ability to succeed and the power and the ability to stick with the tasks we have on our plate. It also helps us to grow and persevere.
As we take on a learning or growth experience we are rewarded by Saturn when we have ingrained that lesson in our spirit.
Saturn retrograde is a powerful energy. Saturn retrograde excellent time to bring projects to completion, and to release of old beliefs, issues and blocks. By letting go of these things, you can reach for today and the future without feelings of limit. So we can bound into the future with a sense of confidence and excitement!
This is the time to start spreading the cement of your wants, taking the steps that lead to the launch you are building to. But not the Launch itself (take the baby steps needed to lead to what you are moving toward, your flight.) be it a business, relationship, self transformation, any endevor you are looking towards. Especially with the Virgo energy involved in this retrograde.
With the energy you have placed into your foundation now, you will start to see the changes taking place towards your goal when Saturn turns direct in May 2009.
Here is to an amazing year ahead!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Reiki Master Home Study Course
While searching the new for other amazing things to try out I came across "The Essence of Reiki Certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher~ Home Study Course ~"
I've attended various reiki healing clinics at the base cost of $200 per session (not including travel, meals, hotels and all the other little things that add up). So when I saw that the whole course that include
d all levels, you can watch and listen to each portion as many times as you want...for years, and you can do it at home anytime you want. I thought sign me up!
There is a wealth of knowledge and so many wonderful add ons that I have to say I am completely impressed with the course, and at such a reasonable price!
In this economy I thought it might be nice to beable to supplement my income with something I love to do, and this course shows you how to do it. Here is what is included:
- 3 Reiki Manuals (Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3)
- 3 Reiki Certificates (Simply download & print) Reiki 1,2 & Master
- 1 Reiki Lineage Chart (Simply download & print)
- Email Support for 12 Months from Garry & Adele Malone (Reiki Masters Since 1997)
- A Special Attunement MP3 - Reiki Chant (Simply download & play on MP3 player)
- Distant Attunements Performed by 2 Reiki Masters (Easier than self-attunement)
- 3 Bonus MP3 Reiki Meditations (Simply download & play on MP3 player)
(they are also including 4 full length reiki music CDs in MP3 format at this time)
I have to say I highly recomend this course I've used the techniques on myself and others and have had amazing results.
For instance my mom, who broke her hip a few years ago normally has constant pain and has trouble relaxing and falling asleep. I use the Reiki healing on her hip as she is laying down and she falls asleep within minutes and wakes up saying it was the best pain free sleep she has had in a while.
If you would like to check out the information page on this course please clik on the image below.

I've attended various reiki healing clinics at the base cost of $200 per session (not including travel, meals, hotels and all the other little things that add up). So when I saw that the whole course that include

There is a wealth of knowledge and so many wonderful add ons that I have to say I am completely impressed with the course, and at such a reasonable price!
In this economy I thought it might be nice to beable to supplement my income with something I love to do, and this course shows you how to do it. Here is what is included:
- 3 Reiki Manuals (Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3)
- 3 Reiki Certificates (Simply download & print) Reiki 1,2 & Master
- 1 Reiki Lineage Chart (Simply download & print)
- Email Support for 12 Months from Garry & Adele Malone (Reiki Masters Since 1997)
- A Special Attunement MP3 - Reiki Chant (Simply download & play on MP3 player)
- Distant Attunements Performed by 2 Reiki Masters (Easier than self-attunement)
- 3 Bonus MP3 Reiki Meditations (Simply download & play on MP3 player)
(they are also including 4 full length reiki music CDs in MP3 format at this time)
I have to say I highly recomend this course I've used the techniques on myself and others and have had amazing results.
For instance my mom, who broke her hip a few years ago normally has constant pain and has trouble relaxing and falling asleep. I use the Reiki healing on her hip as she is laying down and she falls asleep within minutes and wakes up saying it was the best pain free sleep she has had in a while.
If you would like to check out the information page on this course please clik on the image below.

Your Thoughts Control Your Life LOA Article

One of the biggest obstacles to creating the life and future that you dream of, can be the occurance of negative thoughts. Thinking of what has happened in the past, worries of what might happen in the future, these all have an impact on the way we feel in the present and therefore affect what we attract into our lives.
Even though we may know logically and consciously what we should be doing (ie thinking positive thoughts) sometimes it can be really difficult to know HOW to change our negative thinking and what we need to do to stop those thoughts when they arise.
Unfortunately we don't come with an instruction manual and we tend to find that the more we try not to do something, the harder it is to stop. One of the main reasons for this is that your unconscious mind doesn't recognise negatives, such as no, stop and don't. For example if someone were to say to you "Whatever you do, DON'T think about a pink elephant!" - you think of a pink elephant. You can't help it - in order to dismiss something, you have to first think about it.
Just how Abe says, when you look at something and you shout no at it, you include it into your vibration, when you say to yourself "DON'T think about that" you are actually telling yourself in fact think TO about it, and including that into your thoughts.However when you change whatever you don't want into what you do want, for example, instead of "Don't forget your keys" you say "Remember your keys", you include remembering your keys into your experience. If you ever find yourself saying what you don't want to happen, use that to imagine what you do want, instead.
You can change how you feel about your thoughts, by using the way that your mind naturally processes information. When you think of a memory that you feel very strongly about, either positively or negatively, you experience it with your senses. You may get a visual image in your mind's eye, you may have sounds or voices connected to it, it may even have smells and tastes and you will also get a feeling that goes with it.
When you have a strong emotional reaction about something, those senses tend to be amplified, so the image will probably be a movie as opposed to a still image, brightly coloured, quite close and big and you may be imagining it through your own eyes. The sounds may be quite loud, clear and near and you may get a physical sensation in your body that matches the emotion.
If your thought is one
that makes you feel strongly negative, you can adjust each one of those factors so that your brain interprets the information differently and therefore doesn't react in the same way. So for a negative visual image you can:
Imagine you can see yourself in the image instead of through your own eyes.
If it's a movie, make it into a still image.
Make the picture black and white, and push it further away.
Shrink the image or make it see through
For auditory elements, such as a negative internal dialogue, you can:
Turn the volume down
Make it come from further away from you or a different place
If it's an internal voice, change it into a funny voice, such as your favourite comedian or Donald Duck.
Make it softer and kinder
On the flip side, you can also use this to create compelling visual images of what you do want, which helps with manifesting your desire. To do this, reverse the above - make images more colourful, bigger, bring it closer and see through your own eyes. Turn sounds up, make them clearer and surround sound or give your image an inspiring or motivating soundtrack. When you say positive things to yourself, say them in your mind loudly in an excited, motivated tone of voice (or calm, relaxed etc).
Your mind is an incredible learning machine, and it doesn't take it very long to learn new ways of thinking about something. If you keep repeating your adjustments, your brain learns to think in the new way and does it automatically for you. Then by being able to adjust your thoughts so you can feel better right now, manifesting what you do want instead of what you don't, becomes a lot easier.
Rebecca Vickers
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Advanced EFT Practitioner
NLP Practitioner
Even though we may know logically and consciously what we should be doing (ie thinking positive thoughts) sometimes it can be really difficult to know HOW to change our negative thinking and what we need to do to stop those thoughts when they arise.
Unfortunately we don't come with an instruction manual and we tend to find that the more we try not to do something, the harder it is to stop. One of the main reasons for this is that your unconscious mind doesn't recognise negatives, such as no, stop and don't. For example if someone were to say to you "Whatever you do, DON'T think about a pink elephant!" - you think of a pink elephant. You can't help it - in order to dismiss something, you have to first think about it.
Just how Abe says, when you look at something and you shout no at it, you include it into your vibration, when you say to yourself "DON'T think about that" you are actually telling yourself in fact think TO about it, and including that into your thoughts.However when you change whatever you don't want into what you do want, for example, instead of "Don't forget your keys" you say "Remember your keys", you include remembering your keys into your experience. If you ever find yourself saying what you don't want to happen, use that to imagine what you do want, instead.
You can change how you feel about your thoughts, by using the way that your mind naturally processes information. When you think of a memory that you feel very strongly about, either positively or negatively, you experience it with your senses. You may get a visual image in your mind's eye, you may have sounds or voices connected to it, it may even have smells and tastes and you will also get a feeling that goes with it.
When you have a strong emotional reaction about something, those senses tend to be amplified, so the image will probably be a movie as opposed to a still image, brightly coloured, quite close and big and you may be imagining it through your own eyes. The sounds may be quite loud, clear and near and you may get a physical sensation in your body that matches the emotion.
If your thought is one

Imagine you can see yourself in the image instead of through your own eyes.
If it's a movie, make it into a still image.
Make the picture black and white, and push it further away.
Shrink the image or make it see through
For auditory elements, such as a negative internal dialogue, you can:
Turn the volume down
Make it come from further away from you or a different place
If it's an internal voice, change it into a funny voice, such as your favourite comedian or Donald Duck.
Make it softer and kinder
On the flip side, you can also use this to create compelling visual images of what you do want, which helps with manifesting your desire. To do this, reverse the above - make images more colourful, bigger, bring it closer and see through your own eyes. Turn sounds up, make them clearer and surround sound or give your image an inspiring or motivating soundtrack. When you say positive things to yourself, say them in your mind loudly in an excited, motivated tone of voice (or calm, relaxed etc).
Your mind is an incredible learning machine, and it doesn't take it very long to learn new ways of thinking about something. If you keep repeating your adjustments, your brain learns to think in the new way and does it automatically for you. Then by being able to adjust your thoughts so you can feel better right now, manifesting what you do want instead of what you don't, becomes a lot easier.
Rebecca Vickers
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Advanced EFT Practitioner
NLP Practitioner
Positive Thought,
Spiritual Thought,
The Secret
Your New Favorite Frequency...How To Raise Your Spiritual Vibration!
Your New Favorite Frequency... by Carol Look
What is your current favorite frequency that you tune into? I have heard hundreds of people admitting that their "favorite" frequency that they tune into is that of worry. They have a strong habit of worrying about everything and everyone in their life, and when they worry, it makes them feel safe, as if they are doing something productive, even though the truth is they feel quite powerless about much of what is going on around them.
If you do feel powerless, there is one area where you can be totally powerful -- choosing your frequency or vibration.
Everything has a vibration or a frequency. So if you're worried, you emit a certain frequency, and often you partner up energetically with others who are thinking along the same lines.
What if you decided to choose a new frequency to focus on that it became your new favorite frequency? This would give you some emotional power for sure, and as you know, it would also help you harness the power of Law of Attraction in your favor.
Try releasing the "worry frequency" and replacing it with a new frequency -- one you might think could be a
new favorite of yours. My current favorite frequency is the one I feel when I think about people, places and things that I love. I often write my "Ten Things I love..." list as well, to change my focus or jumpstart my day.
Try the EFT setup phrases below to get you started...
The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows:
While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).
"Even though I tend to tune in to worry and negativity, I want to choose a new frequency now."
"Even though a part of me likes to worry about things, I choose to feel calm and confident."
"Even though a part of me is afraid to let go of the worry frequency, I accept who I am and how I feel."
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish. (Those of you who are new to EFT may view a chart of the spots on Carol Looks' web site under the EFT pages.)

***Now for the phrases that focus on the problem***
Eyebrow: "I am such a good worrier."
Side of Eye: "I'm afraid to let go of this habit."
Under Eye: "What if I started tuning in to a better frequency?"
Nose: "I am a fantastic worrier, but I'm getting weary."
Chin: "I don't feel safe unless I'm worrying."
Collarbone: "A part of me is afraid to change."
Under Arm: "I'm afraid to let it go."
Head: "I'm willing to change my focus and frequency."
What is your current favorite frequency that you tune into? I have heard hundreds of people admitting that their "favorite" frequency that they tune into is that of worry. They have a strong habit of worrying about everything and everyone in their life, and when they worry, it makes them feel safe, as if they are doing something productive, even though the truth is they feel quite powerless about much of what is going on around them.
If you do feel powerless, there is one area where you can be totally powerful -- choosing your frequency or vibration.
Everything has a vibration or a frequency. So if you're worried, you emit a certain frequency, and often you partner up energetically with others who are thinking along the same lines.
What if you decided to choose a new frequency to focus on that it became your new favorite frequency? This would give you some emotional power for sure, and as you know, it would also help you harness the power of Law of Attraction in your favor.
Try releasing the "worry frequency" and replacing it with a new frequency -- one you might think could be a

Try the EFT setup phrases below to get you started...
The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows:
While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).
"Even though I tend to tune in to worry and negativity, I want to choose a new frequency now."
"Even though a part of me likes to worry about things, I choose to feel calm and confident."
"Even though a part of me is afraid to let go of the worry frequency, I accept who I am and how I feel."
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish. (Those of you who are new to EFT may view a chart of the spots on Carol Looks' web site under the EFT pages.)

***Now for the phrases that focus on the problem***
Eyebrow: "I am such a good worrier."
Side of Eye: "I'm afraid to let go of this habit."
Under Eye: "What if I started tuning in to a better frequency?"
Nose: "I am a fantastic worrier, but I'm getting weary."
Chin: "I don't feel safe unless I'm worrying."
Collarbone: "A part of me is afraid to change."
Under Arm: "I'm afraid to let it go."
Head: "I'm willing to change my focus and frequency."
***Now for the positive focus on the solution***
Eyebrow: "I want to feel inspired to make this change."
Side of Eye: "I choose to change my focus right now."
Under Eye: "I choose to release my worrying habit."
Nose: "I appreciate how good my new favorite frequency makes me feel."
Chin: "I am willing to change my frequency and focus."
Collarbone: "I can be joyful more often than before."
Under Arm: "I appreciate feeling inspired to choose a new frequency."
Head: "I feel inspired to choose a new favorite frequency."
Keep tapping, and enjoy the clarity and peace of mind that comes from these efforts!
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